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It depends on the severity of the fracture; often the first line of treatment is immobilization via use of a splint or cast for 6-8 weeks to see if the fracture will heal on its own. However, sometimes the pieces of bone migrate too far away from each other to come back together and there is a risk of the bone fragments embedding in the tendon and causing damage to the connective tissue. If this is a concern, then your orthopedist may recommend a partial sesamoidectomy (just to remove the broken one) or a complete sesamoidectomy (removing both the fractured one and the unharmed one to allow unhindered joint movement, or in the rare case of a double fracture).

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Q: Is a sesamoidectomy thumb recommended treatment for a fracture of the sesamoid in the first metacarpal?
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A common fracture of the fifth metacarpal bone of the hand is often referred to as the "Boxer's Fracture." The fifth metacarpal is the bone in the hand that attaches to the pinky finger.

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26600 = Closed treatment of metacarpal fracture; single; without manipulation, each bone RT = right side (foot)

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815 04 - closed fracture, neck of metacarpal bone. **Watch for documentation as to location of fracture site

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It really depends on what metacarpal(s) were broken and how severe the break(s) are. A boxer's fracture is the fracture of the fourth or fifth metacarpal. The 4th is the ring finger and the 5th is the pinky. I recently broke my fifth metacarpal. I will spend 4 weeks in a cast, two more weeks in a brace and then another six weeks of self rehabilitation to everything to get back to normal.

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