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Most home pregnancy tests are around 95% accurate.It's also more likely to have a false negative than a false positive. You should see a Dr for a blood pregnancy test now.

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Q: Is a prgnancy test accurate if your still waiting on your period but the pregnancy test is positive?
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Can you perform a pregnancy test ten days before period starts?

The results will not be accurate. Most home tests recommend waiting 7 days after the start of your missed period to test. The answers will usually be definite by then.

If you have had three faintly positive pregnancy tests and your period is three days late are you pregnant?

You could be pregnant. Consider waiting another 4-5 days to see if your period comes. If it does not, see your doctor for a Urinary Pregnancy Test for verification. Your doctor will advise you with pre-natal care.

How do you test the pregnancy?

Hun you pee on the end of the stick and leave it for 2 mins. I did 3 tests, the first 2 came out negative and the third came out positive. Make sure it is a quality test, leave it upside down for the 2 mins you are waiting and it is Always best to do it first thing in the morning as nothing has been removed from your body for hours. First pee is the most accurate. Good luck. X

If you take a pregnancy test and it came out negative but took one again three days later and came out positive. could this mean im pregnant.?

Under laboratory conditions, home pregnancy tests are 99% accurate. There could be several reasons for a negative reading for one test while there is a positive reading for another test a few days later: 1) Sensitive home pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy 7-14 days after ovulation. It may be possible that the first test you took was too early to detect the hormone hCG (the hormone produced from a pregnancy). 2) The first test may have been taken incorrectly, such as not had enough urine to read correctly. For example, drinking high volumes of water can diminish test accuracy. First morning urine is considered the ideal time to take the test because it contains the most concentrated presence of the hormone hCG, or waiting several hours after last urinating. 3) This is least likely of the possibilities, but a false positive result. These are very rare. Sometimes the tissues in a non-pregnancy woman can produce hCG, but they are usually so low that a home pregnancy test can not detect them. The best way to know for sure if you are pregnant is to have your doctor run the test. It is more accurate than a home pregnancy test and he or she will be able to instruct you on what to do if it comes back positive. Good luck!

How long do you wait to test after implantation bleeding?

It's generally recommended to wait at least a few days after implantation bleeding to allow hormone levels to rise before testing for pregnancy. Waiting 1-2 weeks after implantation bleeding may provide more accurate results on a home pregnancy test.

If you are having symptoms of pregnancy before a missed period can you test for pregnancy?

yes, the best thing to do is to get a test that is designed to detect 5 days before your missed period, of course the closer you take it to your period the more accurate the results...I'm waiting a few more days to take one myself = ) good luck

What if you take a pregnancy test and its negative but you think you have pregnancy symptoms?

You should consider waiting for your period or just go to the doctor to check it out

Do a pregnancy test can be positive even if the test shows a well fainted line of negative?

It could mean you are getting a positive. Wait two to three days and retest. Your HCG levels may be just at the lower limit of the level detected by the test. Your HCG levels are doubling every two to three days, so waiting a few days will make your HCG levels more detectable in a urine pregnancy test.

What is the longest it could take for a pregnancy test to show positive?

It really should not take more then the first minute to show a positive result. The tests usually say to wait 3 minutes, but if the line doesn't show positive almost immediately then there is no point in waiting for it to appear. If you are really pregnant a faint line will normally show immediately after the urine reaches that spot on the stick.

Does a three times home pregnancy test with the same result shows finalization?

Only if used correctly, at the right time of your cycle. If you tested three times, one week apart after your period was late and the tests were all negative - I would suggest waiting one more week and testing again if your period doesn't start first. Take the test first thing in the morning. If you have three positive tests, yes the result should be concidered accurate.

Are doctors pregnancy tests accurate?

If they are taken accurately, yes. According to the ClearBlue pregnancy test accuracy results they are: 4 days before expected period= 51% accurate 3 days before expected period= 82% accurate 2 days before expected period= 90% accurate 1 day before expected period =95% accurate the day of expected period =99% accurate

What if your waiting for your period but you think you might be pregnant?

You should consult a doctor or take an at-home pregnancy test.