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Considering a normal, healthy individual, both platele counts will be almost the same (accounting for individual variances). Davis's Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications states that adults and older adults have a platelet count of 150-450x10^3, same as newborns to 11 mo; 1-5yo have 217-497x10^3.

Females undergoing shedding of the endothelial lining, aka menstruation, again considering a normal, healthy individual, will have the same platele count as if they were not, because the blood loss will equally lose proportionate amount of various dissolved chemicals, blood components, etc.

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What should you do if What if your Platelet count 445?

My platelet count is 449 is that unusual? A count of 150,000 and 450,000 per μL is normal. It is usually noted as 150-450. Yours is normal.

What is a normal platlet count?

A normal platelet count is 250K to 400K per mm3 of blood.

What is normal count for platelets?

The normal platelet count range in children is between 150,000-450,000 per μl.

What is a normal platelets in numbers?

A normal platelet count for a human ranges between 150,000 and 450,000 platelets per microliter. The average platelet count for men is 237,000 per microliter. The average platelet count for women is 266,000 per microliter.

Is 248 platelet count normal?

yes this is normal, About 12 is too normal don't be afraid.