

Best Answer me he is not normal. He is a true con man and the master of manipulation. I just ignored all the red flags but it's all making sense now.

urm ,not sure... Narcissists are supposedly very selfcentred and deceitful , kind of grandiose, your description sounds more like a 'normal' boy ...we all act 'crazy'at times ... all the best

He is not in contact with me now but I he is trying to get my attention in bizarre ways but I ignore him. He did not cheat. He was for the most part a good boyfriend...but he did have his moments where I thought he was nuts. He changed on me as soon as I broke it off with him. I took him back and 2 weeks later, we were done for good. I guess he felt slighted and wanted to get back at me. He is now with a extremely unattractive, overweight woman whom he is embarassed for anybody to know he is dating her.

and is he still in contact with you now ? iam not an expert but i'd say given your comment he is a N ... he didnt love you but himself ,so he would have told you anything to get what he wants and i assume he ll do the same with the next girl ...his sex drive has probably nothing to do with you personally as much as you are looking for some indication of love from him ...did he cheat ? if so there is your answer and if he blamed you for cheating , its proof again that he didnt love you

it sounds like you are trying to find reasons for his behaviour based on what you know but this would be like trying to translate a book written in a foreign, to you unknown, language...

apart from all this you are special and someone will be 'addicted'to you in a normal way ....and never give anyone access to pictures,that you don't want to see in public ,you never know where they end up ...

I ask this answer because I had a N bf who wanted to have sex like 10 times a day. He was always up and ready to go anywhere at anytime. He used to take tons of pics of me and had like 500 of them on his phone.He CLAIMED he was never like that before and that I unleashed the beast but of course now, I don't know what was true or not.

i don't think so .... its easy for them to get what they want by going back to the same person instead of approaching someone else but in reality they take what they can get to boost their ego they will not just have one sexual partner anyway ...has nothing to do with addiction rather opportunity i believe

From TaxManDevil65

I believe that a narcissistic person is ADDICTED to anything or any one that feeds their desire to be BEAUTIFIED, GLORIFIED OR OTHERWISE LOOKED UP TO. Narcissistic women for instance use "perversion" to create this illusion of being the lover's greatest sexual find. IE: Look at me, I will fulfill all your desires and more. You will never find a lover as great as "ME" because "I WILL DO ANYTHING" for your love.....even if the average woman would be/feel degraded by them. Narssistic men on the other hand tend to feed off of the NUMBER of women who believe HE is the greatest lover of all. I do believe that sexual addiction and sexual perversion are a part of the narcissistics personality. IT FEEDS IT!

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Not likely. The narcissist is more likely to be addicted to himself.

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Q: Is a narcissist addicted to his partner?
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It is very easy to become addicted to a narcissist as they make everyday life seem eventful and exciting with their lack of normal restraints and boundaries. Life without their huge highs and lows may seem dull and grey in comparison, but you must always focus on the trail of misery and destruction the narcissist leaves in their path.answerThe above statement seems to refer to a person with bipolar disorder, and not a narcissist. A narcissist believes he or she is the greatest thing to ever exist. In my opinion, it would be difficult to become addicted to a narcissist, unless you are masochistic and enjoy being second best at everything. yes you can because that's what they do first they seduce you little by little they are not themselves then is just a mask they give you attention nice talks look like they are your friend tell sad storyes about their childhoo how their wife don't care about them and are selfish etc...and then you are hooked they push and pull when you want to stop with them they say see how selfish you are you don't get what you want you are leaving feel guilty you stay ...and don't forget you love this person and they do make you addicted with their so called love in the seduction fase

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There are technical differences, but it is largely a matter of degree. Neither is likely to ever be a decent partner.

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as in "throw pies at her"? It's not the favoured method of humiliating people in real life but I suppose it could happen.

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To believe in him requires you to trust with your heart. But if in your heart you believe otherwise, follow your instinct.

How to turn the tables in a narcissist relationship?

Unfortunately, narcissism is a life long disease. If your partner is clinically narcissistic, there is very little hope of him or her ever changing.

Campbell (2005): The Chocolate Cake hypothesis -?

At first, narcissist are very appealing but over time however, partner turns controlling and not concerned with interests