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If your shoulder commonly comes out of its socket, then it is a preexisting condition. If it is the first time you have dislocated your shoulder or if you have never dislocated your shoulder, then it is not a preexisting condition.

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Q: Is a dislocated shoulder a preexisting condition?
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How do you use 'dislocated' in a sentence?

A dislocated shoulder or knee can be quite painful.

Is my hamster going to die it dislocated its shoulder?

It's important to take your hamster to a vet as soon as possible for proper evaluation and treatment. Hamsters can recover from a dislocated shoulder with appropriate care and medication, so early intervention is crucial for its well-being. With prompt medical attention, chances of recovery are good.

Felt a pop in your shoulder now have shoulder pain and pain radiating down your are what could this be?

Dislocated Shoulder

Does there have to be a diagnosis to be considered a preexisting condition?

According to my insurance company if you have seen a doctor about the condition it is preexisting.

Is swimming good exercise for dislocated shoulder?

it is bad

What happens to the muscle tissue in a dislocated shoulder?

it is damaged

What is the most easily dislocated joint the the body?

The shoulder joint is the most easily dislocated joint in the body due to its wide range of motion and relatively shallow socket. It is common for the shoulder to dislocate when the arm is forced into an extreme position or experiences a sudden impact.

How can you heal a dislocated shoulder?

It just has to be put back into place.

How do you treat a hamster with a dislocated shoulder?

Take it to the vet and let him do it

What are the medical uses for a shoulder brace?

The medical uses for a shoulder brace are to protect the shoulder and keep it in place usually after a shoulder injury. These are often used when one has dislocated a shoulder.

Who is a french rugby captain started international with a dislocated shoulder?

Marc lievermont

Dislocate in a sentence?

Sarah accidentally dislocated her shoulder while playing basketball.