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A bunion is locally contraindicated for massage. Factors in the formation of bunion formation are pressure and rubbing of the joint, massage would likely aggravate the condition. In the acute stage: ice, reduction in inflammation and swelling by lymphatic drainage may be indicated.

For the client, it is most critical to reduce the pressure on the joint by changes in their footwear; the condition has been eliminated by improvement of the fit, style (no high heals), or adaptation (local stretch of shoe in the bunion area). Leather shoes are required to provide the necessary support and adaptation for the foot. Encourage the client to see a podiatrist.

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Q: Is a bunion a contraindication for a foot massage?
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A facial massage may not give rise to a contraindication in itself. The client may have a preexisting condition that could be aggravated by massage to the face. One example is trigeminal neuralgia.

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It is not a contraindication for massage at all. It is a contraindication for being in a supine, and even a prone, position. If the massage therapist is trained properly, they will know how to do a sidelying position massage that will be safe. Again, it is not the massage that is contraindicated, but the position that most people have on the massage table. Sidelying resolves the issues with supine hypotensive syndrome so there should be no problem for you to receive a massage, just lie on your side, or even better, just on your left side.

When is massage therapy a contraindication for lupus?

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What treatments are there for a foot bunion?

Special bunion splints are available to help straighten the foot and the toes. Foot bunions are a common problem, but there are many medical solutions.

Can you actually break a bunion on your foot from a fall that would cause it to swell to twice it's usual size?

Yes, I can break a bunion on my foot from a fall.

What if massage someone with a sunburn?

sunburn in a contraindication in massage treatment and treatment shouldnt be carried out until the sunburn has healed and skin exfoliated

Why not to massage a client with allergies?

Allergies are not a contraindication of massage. Inform your therapist of any allergy so they do not use lubrication containing the allergen.

Why is high blood pressure a contraindication to massage?

It isn't, however some types of massage may be. Inform your Therapist and they can adjust their treatment accordingly

Who would you go to for help with a bunion?

a podiatrist (foot doctor).

What is a Bunion?

A bunion is an enlargment of the bone. It is also know as Hallux Valgus. This is a deformity of the bone involving the big toe and the foot. This deformity can be vary painful. A bunion is a bump at the joint of the big toe.