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Q: Is a baby alive the day of conception?
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If the baby is born in may What is the earliest day of conception?

9 months earlier

Is conception the same as reproduction?

no conception is having sex to make the baby which will then be reproduction if the baby is born succsesfully.

When does the baby actually alive?

It's not called a baby until week 38 of pregnancy or when it's born (even if it's before week 38). Medically it's not considered alive as in positive pregnancy until the egg is attached and you are actually pregnant.

What day did you get pregnant if your baby is due January 4th 2010?

Copy and paste this link into your address bar. You can calculate your conception date using the conception calculator on this webpage.

Is baby fae still alive to this day?

no she died on nov. 16, 1984

A conception chart for your baby?

Your doctor can help you with that.

What is teenage conception?

whe they Cary a baby

What is the synonym for conceive?

To bear a baby or conception.

Your baby was born on 27th October what was the conception date?

The approximate date of conception was February 3rd

What stage of pregency is the baby a baby?

Well it depends how you see it.....i think it is at conception because it is onli 21 days after conception when the heart starts beating.

You had protected sex the day after your conception date is your boyfriend the father?

If you had protected sex with your boyfriend the day after your conception date. then who ever you had unprotected sex wit on the day of conception is the father.

Is it considered an immaculate conception when the rag you use for jacking it gets someone pregnant?

No. "Immaculate conception" means producing a sinless baby. Why would the baby be sinless just because the conception process was a little unusual?