The short answer is Yes///
Yes Pappychris has stage 4 bone Cancer and in Lympnodes/// Pappychris hates the fact that kids are suffering from this horrible disease..
Prognosis:Metastatic breast cancer isn't the same for everyone who has it. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF), your symptoms at stage 4 will depend on the degree to which the cancer has spread in your body.Although metastatic breast cancer has no cure, it can be treated. Receiving proper treatment can increase both your quality of life and your longevity.Metastasised:To understand the prognosis for stage 4 breast cancer, it helps to know something about the process of metastasis. When cancer "metastasizes," it has spread beyond the part of the body where it originated. In the case of breast cancer, receiving a stage 4 diagnosis may mean the cancer has reached your bones, lungs, liver, or even your brain.Stage 4 Breast Cancer:If you've been told that you have metastatic breast cancer, this means that the cancer has advanced to what's known as "stage 4."Stage 4 breast cancer is defined as having spread beyond the breast tissue into other areas of the body.
Stage 3 of colon cancer is regarded as dangerous as it has a higher risk of recurrence and eventual death. Cancer is staged by how far the tumour has spread over the body and consists of stages 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Stage IB2: Stage IB cancer is larger than 4 cm (1.6 in)
Stage IB1: Cancer is no larger than 4 cm (1.6 in)
no cancers are not contagious at an stage.
Colon cancer has reached stage 4 after metastasizing to distant organs. The liver is often an area where the cancer tends to migrate per a National Cancer Institute's article noting 50% of cases.
Stage 4: it was in his liver.
Assuming you're asking what stage Gilda's cancer was at when it was diagnosed, the answer is stage IV (4)...the worst possible stage. She died on May 20th, 1989.
Hi, Cancer has 5 stages. Every Stage is a way for physicians to know how advanced the cancer is and how aggresive is the cancer as well of the treatment. So saying this cancer stage 4 is very aggressive but not unbeatable and all depends where is the cancer and if it spread and again where? and if this is something related to you or somebody that you know; the best answers will come from the physicians involve. my friend was told today that he had stage 4 melanoma and they removed a large part of the skin on top of his head. What good new do we have to loo forward too?
Diaphragm cancer, or any cancer that is classified as stage 3 means it has spread to the lymph nodes. The lymph nodes accelerate the spread of the disease.