

Best Answer

Benedict of Nursia is the patron saint of:

•against erysipelas

•against fever

•against gall stones

•against inflammatory diseases

•against kidney disease

•against nettle rash

•against poison

•against temptations

•against witchcraft

•agricultural workers


•civil engineers


•dying people


•farm workers


•Heerdt, Germany

•Italian architects


•Norcia, Italy

•people in religious orders

•school children

•servants who have broken their master's belongings




•Subiaco, Italy

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Why is Saint Benedict the patron saint of witchcraft?

Saint Benedict of Nursia is the patron saint against witchcraft not the patron saint of witchcraft.

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George was appointed a patron saint of England during the reign of Pope Benedict XIV. Benedict XIV ruled from 1740 to 1758.

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Saint Benedict because he lived in a cave as a hermit.

How long has Saint George been the patron saint of England?

George was appointed a patron saint of England during the reign of Pope Benedict XIV. Benedict XIV ruled from 1740 to 1758.

Who is the patron saint of poison sufferers and the patriarch of western monasticism?

Saint Benedict of Nursia.

Is there a patron saint of twins?

Officially there is no patron saint of twins. Unofficially, St. Benedict and St. Scholastica could hold that position.

Who were the parents of Saint Benedict of Nursia?

Saint Benedict of Nursia is a Christian saint who is considered patron saint of students and Europe by Catholic and Anglican church. He was born in 480 AD in Norsia. His father was a Roman noble.

What is Saint Scholastica a patron saint of?

Saint Scholastica is the patron saint of nuns, convulsive children, and against storms and rain. She is recognized for her piety and dedication to her faith, as well as her close relationship with her brother, Saint Benedict.