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No. Ryan White was not the second person to have AIDS.

Ryan White came to the attention of the media and the world in the mid 1980s when he was diagnosed with HIV as a result of having received contaminated blood products.

Ryan was a 14 year old hemophiliac who required periodic treatments for his condition. Regretably, the blood products he received contained HIV.

His story made news because he was expelled from his school once school officials discovered he was HIV positive.

Ryan died in 1990.

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Q: Is Ryin White the second person to have aids?
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A person with AIDS can go to hospice.

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A person who aids in the commission of a crime is an "abettor."

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The HIV virus attacks white blood cells, suppressing immune activity.

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AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a diagnosis given to an HIV+ indivudual after they present certain clinical criteria. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that causes a person to develop AIDS. HIV attacks the part of the body that fights disease, the white blood cells known as T-cells or CD4s. Over the course of a person's HIV infection, there is greater amounts of virus over time and fewer amounts of health disease fighting cells. When the number of white blood cells drops below a certain point, that person is diagnosed with AIDS.

Person was bleeding and you did touch his blood can you get HIV?

Not very likely. First, the person would have to have AIDS and second your hand would have to have a cut or crack for the infected blood to enter into you.

Can you get aids from everyday interactions with a contaminated person?

No you can not get aids from everyday interactions with a contaminated HIV person.

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A gay person can get AIDS in exactly the same way that a straight person can get AIDS: by contracting the HIV virus, usually through sex with an infected person or by using infected needles.

Can you hey aids by french kissing someone with aids?

no u cant, only if the person with aids has a cut in there mouth. then the blood will go into the healthy person.

What disease did Ryan White die from?

Ryan White died from complications related to AIDS in 1990. He became a prominent advocate for AIDS awareness and education following his diagnosis at a young age.