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Q: Is Levaquin used to treat pneumonia?
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What is the drug Levaquin?

Levaquin is an antibiotic. Levaquin is in a group of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones (flor-o-KWIN-o-lones). It fights bacteria in the body. Levaquin is used to treat bacterial infections of the skin, sinuses, kidneys, bladder, or prostate. It is also used to treat bacterial infections that cause bronchitis or pneumonia. Levaquin may also be used for other purposes as prescribed by a health care professional. If you need information on this drug, I suggest contacting your health care professional. Please keep in mind that I'm not a health care professional, nor am I claiming to be one. I just happen to know this information because I take it for bladder and skin infections from time to time. Again, contact your doctor / healthcare professional if you have any questions about your medication. Good luck! :)

Can you take methadone and Levaquin?

Levaquin, I know can be taken and is given by some medical doctors for specific conditions such as bronchitis, pneumonia. etc. I have been told it is a dangerous drug and should only be used under the care of your personal physician and one should follow the directions just as he gives them..I am less familiar with methadone; it is a synthetic drug used to treat addiction. Both can be taken orally.

Does levaquin treat gram positive cocci?

Yes, Levaquin (levofloxacin) is effective against a wide range of gram-positive cocci, including Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae. It is commonly used to treat infections caused by these bacteria.

Can you eat bananas with Levaquin?

Levaquin is a group of antibiotics used to treat bacterial infections. Eating banans while taking them should not cause any problems, but consult your health care provider to be sure.

Will cipro treat cough and sore throat?

Cipro is not the first line antibiotic of choice for pneumonia. Levaquin is the first choice. Levaquin is expensive. It is usually given IV for the first dose in order to speed up effectiveness, then by table form, one 500 mg per day for ten days.

What if you have a sinus infection and it goes to pneumonia what type of antibiotic would be used?

Since they are going to have to come with a Dr. prescription, see your Dr. My personal experience was my Dr. prescribed Levaquin. This however is not without some peril in some people. Levaquin can cause some tendon issues, and pain in some people. Only your Dr. can tell you what you need. If you think you have pneumonia, seek a physician's advice ASAP!

Does levaquin kill fungus?

Levaquin (levofloxacin) is an antibiotic that is primarily used to treat bacterial infections, not fungal infections. It is not effective in treating fungal infections. If you suspect a fungal infection, it is important to consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What is the antibiotic used to treat pneumonia from Serratia Marcescens?

Levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin are commonly used antibiotics to treat pneumonia caused by Serratia marcescens. It is important to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What does claritromicina treat?

Clarithromycin is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial ailments like strep throat, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, and skin infections. It is also used to treat serious AIDS related infections.

What is the meaning of progressive pneumonia?

Progressive pneumonia is a condition in which pneumonia isn't adequately treated, and has relapsed into a heavier pneumonia, which tends to be harder to treat.

How would a pioneer treat pneumonia?

They couldn't

What does suprax treat?

Suprax is an antibiotic that is used to treat infections caused by bacteria such as pneumonia; bronchitis; gonorrhea; and ear, lung, throat, and urinary tract infections.