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Rodrigo Schoen

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Q: Is Klinefelter's genetic
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What chromosome is klinefelters syndrome located on?

they have a extra chromosome, a normal male is XY, a male with klinefelters is XXY.

Is Klinefelter's syndrome preventable?

Not really. Klinefelter's Syndrome is a genetic issue and as such is NOT preventable at our current level of technology. I guess it may be possible to check the gene of a foetus and abort if the genotype indicates the condition but that is way too harsh a solution as Klinefelters does not necessarily mean a significantly reduced quality of life for sufferers. What is relatively easy to address is the symptoms of Klinefelters and the 'golden standard' for treatment is the application of testosterone. A site that tells you all about Klinefelters is: (symptoms in boys) they also have a page on the symptoms in men and another on treatment of symptoms.

Is klinefelters syndrome deadly?

Yes i belive it is ny g

Is klinefelters syndrome autosomal or x- linked?


Can a male with klinefelters syndrome produce a baby without klinefelters syndrome?

First a testicular biopsy should be done to determine if he has any viable sperm. Some men with this condition do have some viable sperm in their testicles and if he does, in-vitro fertilization may be a possibility. However, if he does not have any viable sperm, then you would need to use donor sperm to become pregnant. Hope this helps.

How does klinefelters syndrome affect the rest of the family?

I don't know tell me the answer

Is klinefelters syndrome debilitating?

Physically, no; mentally, that's up to the strength of the individual.

What disease afflicts males in which normal sexual characteristics fail to develop?

Klinefelters Syndrome

If a baby boy is born and the Dr cant find his testicles does it mean that they will never appear?

It probably means that the boy has a disease known as Klinefelters. They have two x chromosomes and one y. This will make the boy have a more feminine appearance even though the boy is a guy from genetic makeup.

I what conditions is caused by a sex-linked gene klinefelters syndrome down syndrome muscular dystrophy?

Klinefelters is sex chromosome trisomy. Down Syndrome is trisomy. One of the most common forms of MD is sex-linked and affects boys more frequently than it does girls.

Is a man with Klinefelters syndrome is likely to display some female characteristics?

Yes. Enlarged Breasts is one characteristic

Can you get an army medical waiver if you have klinefelter syndrome?

Yes, klinefelters is waiverable in the us army but the marines or navy will disqualify you if they find out.