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HIV is certainly dangerous as it causes AIDS which will eventually kill a person. However, HIV cannot be considered armed under any circumstances.

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Q: Is Hepatitis B considered armed and dangerous?
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Related questions

What is Hepatitis B Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is the worst and the most dangerous type of hepatitis. Vincent Dublin

Can you play sports with hepatitis B?

People infected with hepatitis B can play sports. It is against the law for someone to stop a person with hepatitis B from playing a sport.

What pathogens cause hepatitis b?

The causative agent for Hepatitis B is Hepatitis B virus.

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen is present is it dangerous?

any body can see what hep b can possible to negativo ?

Hepatitis b patients saliva is also dangerous like patients blood?

The hepatitis B virus can be present in an infected persons' saliva. However, it does not appear to be the case that this means an infected patients' saliva is also dangerous, like their blood is.

Is hepatitis b is epidemic or endemic?

Whether hepatitis B (or any disease) is considered epidemic or endemic depends on its prevalence in the population. Hepatitis B is endemic in China where 8-10 % of the population is chronically infected but endemic in the US where the prevalence is less than 1%.

Can you give hepatitis b vaccine to someone with hepatitis B?

Yes, the hepatitis B vaccine can be given to someone with hepatitis B. It is still recommended in order to prevent reinfection with other strains of the virus and to protect against potential complications of chronic hepatitis B.

What is the virus considered to be the highest threat to the clinical medical assistant?

Hepatitis B (HBV)

Is hepatitis A a virus or bacteria?

Hepatitis is inflammation in the liver caused by the virus hepatitis B.

What is hepitites?

Hepatitis is a disease that infects the liver and makes you feel sick overall. There are several types of hepatitis. Hepatitis A Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. They can be dangerous diseases and difficult to treat. It must be treated by medical professionals and should not be ignored. There are some vaccine's to help prevent certain hepatitis conditions. See your doctor.

How is Hepatitis B prevented?

There's a Hepatitis B vaccine that can prevent it.

What causes hepatitis B?

Usually caused by hepatitis B virus.