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i have had crohns disease for 16 years and it never goes away. it can remain fairly inactive for a while, but anything could trigger a flare up. best thing to do is to take meds and strict diet.

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Q: Is Crohns Disease ever inactive
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How many types of crohns disease are there?

There is only one type of Crohns disease. Crohns disease can manifest anywhere in the digestive tract but it is the same disease no matter where it appears.

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Can you get Crohn's disease?

There is no know cause of Crohns disease at this time. Research is ongoing as to the causes of Crohns disease.

When testing for Colitis and Crohns do you have to be having active symptoms for the colonoscopy to find the disease?

No Even when Crohn's is in remission there are obvious sign of disease in the bowel easily identified by you doctors. Crohns leaves scars in the lining of the intestines and even inactive disease will show up on close inspection. Biopsy results after the colonoscopy will confirm the presence of Crohn's.

Can crohn's disease be linked to drug abuse?

No. Drug abuse history has never been linked to Crohns disease. Children as young as 3 can develop Crohns disease. Crohns is not something you have done to yourself.

What does cdai refer to with Crohns disease?

The Crohns Disease Activity Index is a questionnaire used in research to help measure how the disease is affecting the patient.

What disease or condition can lead to DUB?

Crohns disease

What is included in the crohns diet?

The Crohns diet is a low residue diet. More information aboyt this diet is available at:

Does Adam Lambert have Crohns disease?


How can crohns disease be prevented?

Because Crohns disease has not been fully researched as to the causes, it cannot be prevented. Once diagnosed, the disease can be managed but never cured.

What disease causes you to poop yourself to death?

Crohns disease can do that.