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well I'm a 17 year old boy and my resting heart rate is about that low. seems normal to me I'm a perfectly healthy person. I'm quite atheletic doe this girl in question do sports? Beef

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Q: Is 58 heat beats per minute normal for a 17 year old female?
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No. You heat beat rake is not okay going from 4 to 132 beats per minute. The normal rate is 72 beats per minute.

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No it's not!

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a shrew's heart can beat up to 1511 times per minute! Their motabolism is so fast that they also much constantly eat to maintain body heat!

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No, referring to a female cat in heat as a "slut" is inappropriate and disrespectful. It is more accurate to call a female cat in heat simply that - a female cat in heat.

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Yes, it is.

When trying to go to bed is 67 beats per minute a normal heat rate 29 year old female?

I am not a Doctor, but I trained as a medic, so to answer your question. the average Text book beats per minute is 70 in males and 75 in females. While its true that at rest, the beats can slow down, 70 at rest is a great number. The Bpm varies from say an athlete as opposed to a couch potato with the athlete's Bpm is slower (around 65 at rest) Believe it or not, 100 Bpm is not un common in older adults and is also within normalcy. You are in a good target range. If you are concerned still, call a nurses hot line, or go to MDweb. I wouldn't worry too much!

When do black bear hamsters go into heat?

Normal female hamsters go into heat every 4 days. they stay in heat for 1 day only.