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It's never too late to quit smoking. Of course we can't know if you smoking so far has had any effect.

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Q: Is 4 months into pregnancy to late to quit smoking?
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8 months into a 9 month pregnancy is, I think, a bit late to start to consider the problem.

Did ville valo quit smoking?

He's quit smoking since late Jan/early February

Is it too late to quit smoking at 6 months pregnant?

It is never too late. It's too bad you weren't able to quit earlier, but every minute without nicotine and carbon monoxide in its blood is better for the baby.

When did Paul McCartney stop smoking?

McCartney reportedly stopped smoking in the late 1980s. His 1990 World Tour book relates how he quit.

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Quit smoking pot!!

When did david bowie quit smoking?

He quit smoking in 2002

When during pregnancy should one quit smoking?

For your own peace of mind, you should quit as soon as possible. I was very worried about this, as I had smoked for many years. Acupuncture totally helped. I stopped smoking completely when I was 6 weeks pregnant.

Would it be too late to quit smoking at age 63?

As you start smoking your health over time deteriorate so no in fact its better than never!

What is the best way to learn how to quit smoking cigarettes?

The best way to learn how to quit smoking cigarettes is to set a quitting date. Other ways to learn how to quit smoking are drink herbal tea instead of smoking, make an appointment with an acupuncturist, switch to decaf until cigarette free for two months and find a healthy snack food to eat often.

When was How I Quit Smoking created?

How I Quit Smoking was created on 1996-01-30.

How do you say quit smoking in french?

quit smoking = arrêter de fumer

Where can I find info on how to quit smoking?

Someone that is looking for information on how to quit smoking can use the website Canadian Lung Association. On this site one can find information on what smoking does to their lungs, different ways to quit smoking, and support for anyone that is looking to quit smoking.