Having your tubes tied is not entirely effective, if you've gotten pregnant once with them tied chances are you can again.
you are coming into the menopause stage of your life so that may be the reason for the missed period and negative pregnancy test. the likely hood of being pregnant afer having your tubes tied is pretty much none existant
Menopause more likely.
Yes, having your tubes tied does not prevent 100% of pregnancies. My sister became pregnant 15 years after having her tubes tied.
There is no need to remove the IUD before (or after) having your tubes tied. Leaving it in will ensure continuous protection.
Unheard of.
There are no side effects of having your tubes tied and leaving an IUD in place. There is no pressing need to remove the IUD if you have other pregnancy protection.
You will still menstruate when you have your tubes tied because your menstrual cycle is still working as it would normally and your uterus is still present. You may experience some irregular bleeding if you're close to menopause or for a few days after your tubes are tied as a result of surgery. If irregular bleeding continues then you need to go talk to your doctor to find out why this is happening.
The baby will surely die
you can take a bath as soon as your insicion is heald up
i have had my tubes tied for five years and i have never missed my period and it has never been late i had a mri done last year and it showed that i had a cyst is it possible that my period this month was brown and only lasted for two days because of the tubes being tied or because of the cyst or could i be pregnent?