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Anything over 180 is viewed with suspicion, but you're still a teen so I think you're fine.

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Q: Is 196 a normal heart rate whil running a mile for a fit 15 year old girl?
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Related questions

How does running a mile improve your cardiovascular endurance?

The heart and lungs and other body muscles work harder than normal.

What is the normal heart rate for a 21 year old male after running?

depends on your weight and health. a healthy, well built 19 year old shouldn't be affected by a mile walk.

Why heart does not tired?

It does - the condition is known as congestive heart failure. That can happen in old age, in a newborn (blue baby), and anybody running a four minute mile.

When was Running the Endless Mile created?

Running the Endless Mile was created in 1986.

What is a statute mile?

A statute mile is a normal mile.

How many calories will a 12 year old girl burn running a mile?

about 200-300 calories.. .it depends on how hard you run

Is a 6 minute mile fast for a junior high girl?

That is a good mile time for a jh girl. My mile time is 5.58 and I'm going for 5.30 by the end of the summer! I've practiced for a month and I'll get better. I beat everyone by at least 15 seconds so...yes 6 minutes is good...keep running!

How much running is a mile?

1 mile = 1609.344 meters 1 meter = 0.00062 mile

How many feet are in a mile on running?

5,280 feet are in one mile.

Is there a difference in running steps to walking steps in a mile?

Yes, because running gets your heart beet going faster than walking, causing it to burn more calories. And aslo it is faster and better for you health. ----

How many feet are in a normal mile?

There are 5,280 feet in a mile.

A Fitness Plan to Exercise Your Heart?

To exercise your heart you need this three mile fitness plan with the following five components. First, stretch out your muscles before doing anything else in order to loosen them up. Next, jog one half mile to warm your heart up. Third, run quarter miles intermittently with walking quarter miles in between. In total run one mile while walking one mile. Fourth, jog another half mile to bring your heart down to normal levels. Finally, stretch your muscles again to keep them from tightening up.