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Q: Is 114 high in glucose blood test?
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Bp 164 114 is it danger?

A blood pressure of 164/114 is quite high. It is not possible to say whether it is dangerous since everybody is different. If you go to the doctor and have this blood pressure, you will likely be started on a blood pressure medication because it is considered very high.

I have a blood sugar of 114 and I was fasting?

is 114 normal for a fasting blood sugar

What is a good blood pressure for an adult?

around 114

Is an IQ of 114 good?

All IQs are good to the extent that they are accurate measures of learning potential (and opinions on this question differ strongly).But what constitutes a high IQ depends on the test; top scores vary.

What is the maximum number of ATP produced from the complete oxidation of 3 molecules of glucose?

The complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose produces 36-38 ATP. Therefore, the complete oxidation of 3 molecules of glucose would produce 108-114 ATP in total.

Record high temperatures in topeka kansas?

The record high temperature in Topeka, Kansas is 114°F, which was set on July 24, 1936. This stands as the highest temperature ever recorded in the city.

If alt or sgpt in the liver function test is 114 what does that mean?

alcohol abuse, fatty liver disease

How lond would it take to become a diabetic if blood sugar is 114?

114 is a perfect reading. And type one diabetes, you can't just get. It's hereditary. Unless you want type two diabetes, which most obese people have a high risk of getting. And have to be put on pills, or shots. I am a type one diabetic for 12 years.

Do you have pre-diabetes fasting glucose tests range from 98 to 114?

The latest medical information I have says that normal fasting blood glucose levels should be less than 100. I'd say it's time to try diet and exercise, even if you don't have a history of diabetes in your family. Your local diabetes association chapter can hook you up with some nutrition information, or you can use on online search engine.

What does 114 mean on a IQ test?

this means your much smarter than homer Simpson but not as smart as albert Einstein

For a 12 year old is 114 on an IQ test good?

Yes because an average person's IQ is 100.