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yes. The technical term for a fever is 98.6, it varies though depending on the person. So it might no be a fever if it was 99.4 or something around that range. So yes, it doesn't matter nescarily if the child is 15 months. It is still a fever

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15y ago
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14y ago

Unless there is concern for a possible infection in the child, there is not a huge concern for a temperature of 99.9. Most doctors won't call a temperature a "fever" until it is over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Most doctors recommend taking a child to the emergency room if the temperature reaches 104 or 105 degrees Fahrenheit. If the child has a temperature over 101 Fahrenheit, consider scheduling an appointment with the child's health care provider.

A caregiver should continue to monitor the 2 year old for an increase in temperature and note any behavioral/physical changes. Also, if a higher temperature does occur, the caregiver should increase fluids and consider beginning a fever reducer such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, etc.).

*Note: The child's caregiver is the best suited to determine if the patient needs to see the doctor. He or she knows what is "normal" for the child. If it doesn't "feel" right, he or she should get an appointment ASAP.

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12y ago

Is categorized as low grade fever. It could be caused by viral or bacterial infection. Give you child plenty of liquid and rest. Dress him up lightly. Consult your doctor if symptoms persist and if the fever rises.

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11y ago

No; 99.7 is not a fever for a 10 year old.

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6y ago

Yes. Babies are supposed to be the same temp as adults- 98.6 F.

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11y ago

Yes, it is considered to be a fever.

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Q: Is 100.9 a fever for a 10yr old boy?
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