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if you are pregnant and bleeding a lot yes, you should go to the hospital.

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Q: Internal bleeding in a miscarriage can result to the emergency room?
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If you get a negative result after some bleeding during a pregnancy does that mean miscarriage?

It might. You should see your doctor.

Can you get a positive result for a pregnancy test and start bleeding with clots and when you take another test 2 weeks later it says negative?

It means you had a miscarriage.

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No but it causes blood loss as the condition causes internal bleeding

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Yes, abnormal bleeding, or having blood in your urine is a symptom of cervical cancer.

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No this isn't a miscarriage. Miscarriages result in extreme and intense pain which is agony and very heavy bleeding. What you experience is not a miscarriage. The blood tissue is a clot from your period.

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What is the most common complication with a cone biopsy?

Bleeding during and after cone biopsy is the most common complication. Rarely, uncontrolled bleeding during the procedure may result in an emergency hysterectomy.

What can cause a miscarriage if you have been pregnant for one week?

Something as simple as a sneeze can cause you to miscarriage. Generally, however, you don't know that you're one week along and can miscarry without knowing that you were pregnant. This miscarriage type of miscarriage can result in some heavier-than-normal bleeding and such.

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A broken testis, or testicular rupture, is a medical emergency that can result in severe pain, swelling, and internal bleeding. If left untreated, it can lead to complications or infection that may potentially be life-threatening. Immediate medical attention is necessary to assess and address the injury.

How big is the risk of miscarriage?

I just read that 10% of all pregnancies result in miscarriage.

Is the baby alive if you are eight weeks pregnant and having light bleeding?

It is impossible to say, but bleeding does not always mean that a miscarriage is inevitable. Many women bleed and it eventually settles, while in other cases it does not but increases and becomes accompanied by cramps.

A pregnancy test result was negative then you started bleeding. Now you've taken two pregnancy tests reading positive. Did you have a miscarriage when you started bleeding?

This is difficult to answer. It depends on whether you performed one or more pregnancy tests. If you only took one test then its very possible this test was faulty but false positives are not as common as false negatives. If the bleeding arrived when your period was due and was exactly like a period then I would personally believe this was your period and is not caused by a miscarriage.