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Could result in pregnancy.

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Q: Intercourse 3 days before ovulation
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When is the safest time for intercourse to prevent pregnancy?

If you know that your cycle is the same every month and you ovulation occurs on the same day during that cycle then all the rest of the time except 5 days before ovulation to 3 days after are good times.

Why is it not as easy to get pregnant on your period then when your not on your period?

Ovulation usually happens in the middle of a woman's period (10-15 days after period) and is the period when the woman is fertile. That is why it is highly unlikely that women get pregnant during their period. Pregnancy is most likely if intercourse occurs anywhere from 6 days before ovulation until 2-3 days after ovulation, however, this varies and it depends on the length and regularity of a woman's periods and how long the sperm lives after intercourse. To avoid pregnancy it is best to use protection all the time but to get pregnant it is a good idea to buy ovulation-tests. Hope this helps.

Can a woman get pregnant if she has ovulated already for the month?

Menses starts 14 days after ovulation. When menstrual periods vary in length it is always the time before ovulation that varies. So if you are regular and can predict when menses will start then you know you are going to ovulate 14 days before that. You are usually fertile 2-3 days before and after ovulation. This information is best used to help a couple trying to conceive. Men are most fertile if they have been having regular ejaculations but take a break for 2-3 days. So the best way to conceive is to have intercourse regularly through the month then take a break for a few days and then make a point of having intercourse from 2-3 days before to 2-3 days after the predicted ovulation. Women, even if usually regular, can ovulate early or late in any given month so this "rhythm method" (avoiding intercourse only during the fertile period) is not reliable as a form of contraception (birth control).

How long do you ovualt?

A typical women is fertile approximately 5-6 days of the month starting with 3-4 days before ovulation. Sperm can live anywhere from 3-5 days inside a women. The best time to have sex, if your trying to conceive, is 2 days before ovulation (which can be detected by your basal body temp, ovulation test or cervical discharge). A womens egg lives for 24 hours so you can also conceive up to 24 hrs after ovulation.

Can you still have cervical fluid 3 days after an IUI?

Yes. It is still possible to get `fertile` (stretchy) cervical fluid (cm) days after ovulation due to estrogen. Fertile mucous should stop after ovulation, however this is not always the case.FYI- If you have one IUI scheduled 24 hours after the trigger shot, try to have intercourse at 36 hours or 48 hours after the trigger shot just in case, as washed sperm (natural intercourse) live longer than washed. If you have 2 back to back IUIs scheduled for 12 hours and 36 hours after the trigger shot, try to have intercourse 48 hours after the trigger shot. Also, try to have intercourse 2 days before ovulation (remember unwashed sperm can live in fertile mucous for a few days) to increase your chances and also to freshen the sperm for the IUI.Good Luck on your journey!

How do i get pregnant?

You can get pregnant by injecting male samon. Or The highest pregnancy rates occur in couples who have intercourse every day or every other day. Have intercourse near the time of ovulation. If having intercourse every day isn't possible — or enjoyable — have intercourse every 2 to 3 days a week starting soon after the end of your period.

How long after an endometrial biopsy do you have to wait before you have intercourse?

2-3 days is usually enough to wait.

Missed pill for 3 days had intercourse how long before test for pregnancy?

1-2 weeks.

What sperm caused conception?

Extra information:If unprotected intercourse was undertaken on the 6/10, protected intercourse undertaken on the 7/10 and unprotected intercourse was undertaken twice 10/10 & 11/10.Ovulation occurred on the 11/10 (positive ovulation stick on the 10/10)..which sperm caused the conception?The 10th and 11th? Or...could one have escaped from the 7th?The 7th was 3 days after period had finished.

Can you be pregnant if you had intercourse two days after your period without protection?

Since the ovulation is half way the menstruation cycle and takes 14 days, the chance of getting pregnant is quite small, because a sperm cell lives about 3 days and would be dead by then.

Could I get pregnant if intercourse was 6 days after ovulation?

No. It is impossible to experience pregnancy symptoms till the Embryo has implanted in your Uterus and begins releasing HCG. When the HCG is at a high enough level then you begin experiencing symptoms. It takes 8-12 days after intercourse for HCG to be relased. So narrow it down to 2 weeks and then you can test 3 weeks after intercourse.

How early can pregnancy be detected through urine?

3-5 weeks after intercourse. It can be detected 7 days after intercourse with a blood test.AnswerActually, a home pregnancy test would be able to pick up a positive 2-3 weeks after intercourse, or up to 5 days before a missed period, or 4 days before you expect your period to arrive. Most women, however, will not receive a positive until after they have missed their period.