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Inserting a finger into the rectum to palpate rectum and prostate is a procedure to check the prostate gland for enlargement or prostate cancer.

Inserting the finger into the rectum to palpate to prostate is also known as prostate milking or prostate massage. This is done to remove the build up of prostatic fluid in the prostate gland, and also for pleasure as a prostate ejaculation can be more intense than a penile ejaculation.

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Q: Insertion of a finger into the male rectum to palpate the rectum and prostate?
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What is palpation of the prostate gland through the rectum?

The insertion of a finger through the anus to palpate (feel) the size, shape, firmness, tenderness (discomfort or pain), and mobility of the prostate gland that surrounds the urethra below the urinary bladder in a male. This is a routine exam for men over 50, and is used to help screen for changes to the prostate that may indicate serious problems like prostate cancer. It is also used to help diagnose problems with the urinary tract, sexual dysfunction, and some forms of abdominal pain. In a healthy person it is essentially painless, if embarrassing.

What is a digital rectal examination?

The doctor puts a gloved, lubricated finger (digit) into the rectum to feel for any lumps in the prostate.

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The doctor examins the prostate gland by pushing on it to feel it's shape and size. It is done by putting a gloved finger up into the rectum.

Palpation of the prostate gland through the rectum?

Palpation of the prostate gland through the rectum is a physical examination technique known as digital rectal exam (DRE). It involves a healthcare provider inserting a lubricated, gloved finger into the rectum to feel the prostate gland for any abnormalities such as nodules, enlargement, or tenderness. DRE is commonly used to screen for prostate cancer and assess prostate health.

How do you check the prostate?

A doctor can quickly and easily check the prostate through a rectal exam. He will insert a finger into the rectum and check for abnormalities. The exam takes less than five minutes.

A common part af any phsical examination of the male is palpation of the prostate how is this done?

By inserting a lubricated, gloved finger gently through the anus into the rectum until the prostate is felt. The Doctor or other practitioner is checking the size, shape, position, firmness, and mobility of the prostate. This is a routine part of a annual physical for men over 50, and part of any urological or rectal exam. While there are many benign changes that can occur to the prostate, changes may indicate cancer or other serious problems that may lead to impotence. If there are any out of the ordinary findings from the exam, further tests will be performed, usually by an Urologist.

Can guys finger themselves and be straight?

CERTAINLY! There are lots of nerve endings in the rectum and the prostate sits up in there as well. Pleasure from anal stimulation knows NO labels!

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What is the move wardy?

The "wardy" is a common sex move used by the japanese. Invented in 1896, this move involves the insertion of a index finger into the rectum of a female companion, and moving it vigorously, eventually killing her.

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What is Rectal examination?

Rectal examination is performed by means of inserting a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum and palpating (feeling) for lumps

How is a pelvic ultrasound used to check the prostate in men?

In men, transrectal scans, where the probe is placed in the rectum, are done to check the prostate.