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Glomerulus (Renal Corpuscle)

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Q: In the nephron where does glomerular filtration take place?
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What are the two capillary beds that are in series in the excretory system of humans?

The first capillary bed in the series is the glomerular capillary, where filtration occurs. The efferent arteriole on the distal end of the glomerular capillary. Objects it to the next capillary bed in the series: the peritubular capillary. This is where secretion and reabsorbtion take place. This type of system is an example of an arterial portal system.

Where does the process of filtration take place?


Where does glucose take place?

Glucose reabsorption takes place in the proximal renal tubule. This tubule is a portion of the nephron that contains fluid. The functions of the nephron include the reabsorption and secretion of various substances like ions, glucose, and amino acids.

Can you take amoxicillin with cirrhosis of liver?

Yes , because amoxicillin is metabolize and excreted basically by the kidney. Doses and time between doses might be monitored according to specific formulas, doses, creatinine clearance and excretion and glomerular filtration rate, etc

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Where does most absorption take place in the kidney?

the majority occurs in the proximal convoluted tubule

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In which of the following does a chemical change take place? Distillation, evaporation, filtration or neutralization?

What mixtures can be separated by filtration and distillationBoth methods take advantage of?

Filtration: separation of water from sand.Distillation: separation of ethanol from water.Each method has specific applications.

What method does filtration and distillation take advantage of?

This depends on the considered application.

What can be done too unpollute water?

On a small scale, there are various filtration methods such as reverse osmosis and carbon filtration that can remove many common pollutants. Some pollution could also be removed by distillation of the water as well. On a world wide scale, the best thing to do is not pollute the water in the first place and hope that nature can take care of the problem.

Three steps involved in Urine production are?

Filtration: Blood is filtered in the kidneys to remove waste products and excess water, forming urine. Reabsorption: Essential substances like water, glucose, and salts are reabsorbed back into the bloodstream. Secretion: Additional waste products, such as hydrogen ions and certain drugs, are actively secreted into the urine.

Does the efferent arteriole take blood to the nephron?

No, the efferent arteriole carries blood away from the glomerulus in the nephron. Blood entering the glomerulus via the afferent arteriole is filtered, and the efferent arteriole carries blood containing the filtered substances away for further processing in the renal tubule.