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in order for antigens to incite the immune response the y must be ?

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Q: In order for antigens to incite the immune response they must be?
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In order for antigens to incite the immune response they must be 1 processed 2 reduced 3 combined with other proteins 4 directed?

Antigens incite the immune response by being processed and presented by antigen-presenting cells, such as dendritic cells, to T cells. Once presented, the antigens can activate specific immune responses, leading to the generation of memory cells and effector cells that target the antigen. Antigens that are not processed, reduced, or combined with other proteins may not effectively stimulate the immune system.

How is a problem with the immune system causing skin lesions diagnosed?

When involvement of the immune system is suspected, doctors may order a immunofluorescence test, which detects antibodies to specific antigens using a fluorescent chemical.

What cells suppress the immune response in order to prevent over activity?

Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are a type of immune cell that suppress the immune response to prevent overactivity. They play a crucial role in maintaining immune tolerance and preventing autoimmunity by controlling and regulating the activity of other immune cells.

What does diagnosis of yellow fever entail?

the examination of blood by various techniques in order to demonstrate either yellow fever viral antigens (the part of the virus that stimulates the patient's immune system to respond) or specific antibodies

What is the difference between an antigen and pathogen?

An antigen is a substance that can trigger an immune response in the body, such as proteins on the surface of bacteria or viruses. A pathogen, on the other hand, is a type of antigen that can cause disease in the host organism by invading and damaging tissues. Not all antigens are pathogens, but all pathogens are antigens.

What two generas have members that can evade the human immune system by frequently changing their surface proteins?

Two genera that can evade the human immune system by frequently changing their surface proteins are Plasmodium, the genus that causes malaria, and Influenza virus. Both of these pathogens possess mechanisms to rapidly alter their surface proteins (antigens) in order to evade host immune responses.

What is the correct order of the following events in the inflammatory response immediately after tissue injury?

The correct order of events in the inflammatory response after tissue injury includes: Vasoconstriction to reduce blood flow and limit bleeding. Vasodilation to increase blood flow and bring immune cells to the site of injury. Increased vascular permeability allows plasma proteins and immune cells to enter the tissues. Activation of immune cells to clear pathogens and promote tissue repair.

How does the appendix help to the immune system of the body?

As of yet, the purpose of the appendix in the human body is not known. It is simply there and is often removed. Anyhow, appendix do play role in fetal development and adult.In fetus appendix act as a endocrine organ and in adult they help our body immune system to combat against microbes as it 'train' our immune system by exposing antigens to lymphoid cells in order to produce antibody.

Are Macrophages and Dendritic cell the same?

Macrophages and dendritic cells are both types of immune cells, but they have different functions. Macrophages are primarily involved in engulfing and digesting cellular debris and pathogens, while dendritic cells are specialized in presenting antigens to other immune cells to initiate an immune response. Both are important components of the immune system and work together to protect the body from infections.

What is the role that microorganisms play in vaccine production?

Microorganisms are used in vaccine production to grow the viruses or bacteria that will be used as the basis for the vaccine. They are also used in the process of creating antigens or proteins that mimic the pathogens in order to stimulate an immune response. Additionally, microorganisms are sometimes used to test the safety and efficacy of vaccines during the production process.

What is the relationship between antigens antibodies and antibiotics?

Antibiotics are used to treat specific diseases caused by bacteria like Bubonic Plague Anthrax Strep Throat E. Coli Salmonella All which have lethal effect if immune to the antibiotic or ineffective treatment I know I personally was struck with strep throat as a child. I also have a Autistic disorder known as Aspergers Syndrome which individuals have extreme interests and very high intelligence, my extreme interest is currently Bacteria and viruses as well as their effect and course of treatment. Hope this helps.

How is the heat in metabolism useful to a cell?

It can help speed up reactions, such as when your body heats up when you are sick in order to speed up its immune response. It can also help regulate temperature if the cell is in a colder environment.