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In the neck, just forward and below the back edge of the jaw.

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Q: In an emergency the carotid pulse is often used to monitor the heart rate. It's found?
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What does carotid pulse radial pulse and heart monitor mean?

A carotid pulse is the heartbeat measured at the carotid artery site, on the sides of the neck. A radial pulse is the pulse or heartbeat taken at the wrist, where the radius and ulna intersect. A heart monitor is on of many devices that measure cardiac performance.

Where is the carotid sinus?

The heart is the organ involved in the carotid sinus. The heart pumps blood throughout the whole circulatory system, including the carotid sinus.

What is the artery in the heart taking blood to the neck called?

the juggular vain

How does a doctor conduct a cartoid sinus massage?

While watching an electrocardiogram monitor, the doctor will gently touch the carotid sinus. If there is no change in the heart rate on the monitor, the pressure is applied more firmly with a gentle rotating motion.

Where does the carotid artery carry blood from?

The carotid artery carries blood from the heart to the neck and head.

Which artery nourishes the heart?


Emergency situation two sites used for assessing pulse are?

Two commonly used sites for assessing pulse in an emergency situation are the carotid artery located in the neck and the radial artery located in the wrist. These sites are easily accessible and provide accurate readings of the heart rate.

Why does carotid artery have greatest amplitude?

Closest to the heart

How does blood get to our head?

Your heart pumps it through the carotid artery.

Which heart sound coincide with the carotid artery pulse?


What part of the body is serviced by the carotid arteries and the jugular veins?

The carotid artery takes blood from the heart up the neck, to our brain. The jugular vein returns blood from the head to the heart.

What parts of the body is serviced by the carotid arteries and jugular veins?

The carotid artery takes blood from the heart up the neck, to our brain. The jugular vein returns blood from the head to the heart.