

Best Answer

whoa. you've got bigger problems.


If you are really taking this to lose weight, I don't even know what to say really.. You must not be living here in the states because we Americans know better than to eat some snake venom & rat poison...

Just My opinion, but it seems as though using this method would automatically qualify you for a Darwin Award. lol but no seriously - I believe you spelt it wrong - CoumAdin..

Coumadin is Synthetic Coumarin which is a natural occurring anticoagulant found in most plants (the smell of freshly cut grass is caused by the coumarin)

Coumadin is mainly known as the brand name Warfarin, prescribed to many as an anticoagulant - And I've never known it to ever be prescribed or taken as a weight loss drug - weight loss isn't even a side effect (maybe in some it would be an initial side affect but shortly after starting on the drug your body will get used to it & any affects of weight loss will be obsolete)

Coumarin was first discovered naturally occurring in plants & is still today only a product from plants - & again, I stress, It has never (as far as I know) been used for weight loss through its history -

When first discovered in the 1920's it was found to cause bleeding out in cows/bulls after they had any small operation, this would happen in only the ones that had been eating moldy grasses - When they investigated this after many deaths it was found to be a strong anticoagulant. & even though they knew that it was an anticoagulant, the rest was unknown until 20 yrs later when a scientist started to research the moldy grasses & determine what was causing this. His research in the 40's led to the discovery & extraction of the COUMARIN - This was later patented not by the scientist but by the Wisconsin Alumni research Foundation or "WARF" which gave coumarin its current brand name Warfarin (WARF+coum"arin") in 1948 (I believe)

This is where it relates to the above question (vaguely) - After its discovery, Warfarin was used for/marketed as rat/mouse poison.. It worked excellent & became a huge success (AND actually still to this day you can purchase Warfarin/coumarin based mouse/rat poison)

(this is quite interesting isn't it? lol, but this next fact is so keep reading) I believe it was about 1951 when some guy in the army had enough & wanted to commit suicide - so what did he do? He decided to off himself with some rat poison (Warfarin) - But the outcome wasn't what he expected, nor did anyone else. He lived & fully recovered with no side effects! - After this happened full force studies started & it was found that Warfarin was a great anticoagulant in people & was quite superior to the currently used anticoagulants - in 1954 it was found to be safe for human use & in 1955 even president Eisenhower was taking it.

Everything's pretty much the same to this day - it is currently the most used anticoagulant across the globe.

In reference to the initial question, again, You said you believed that it used to be made of snake venom? .. FALSE - BUT! - Snake venom is a strong anticoagulant & thus thins your blood when bit & renders you useless..

However - Cobra venom was almost used as a human drug as an anticoagulant more recently - earlier this decade studies were done & the drug Exanta/Ximelagatran was being looked at as maybe a replacement for Warfarin because it would exhibit less side effects. - The FDA rejected the application for this drug in 2004 because some of the tested individuals developed some liver problems & the company AstraZeneca quit development of the drug all together in 2006 because they discovered that after a person stopped taking Ximelagatran liver damage could develop..

Again - I don't know who has ever claimed that this drug causes weight loss - My guess is that the person who asked the initial question here was from maybe a 3rd world country? IDK but I do believe that they are definitely not from the united states - I have never heard of Cobra/Snake Venom being used as an anticoagulant until these recent studies - but I would bet that it's something that prob has been used for centuries in different cultures/tribes/etc for its medicinal effects - & I would also bet that the more educated cultures have used it specifically as a blood thinner but I highly doubt that they would have known of the harsh affects that it has on the liver.. If it was ever known in the past, I'm sure that AstraZeneca would have been somewhat aware of this before they started testing on humans & they surely wouldn't have applied with the FDA if this was the case..

If anyone else has heard of the same thing that the question asker did - please reply & add your knowledge at the end of this, if possible, include any facts &/or where you had received this information - I would like to know where this person is from who asked this & find out if & how long they (or anyone they knew personally) had taken any snake venom anticoagulants & if & what kind of liver damage they have currently - that's if they are even aware of it - if not, you should definitely get tested out & let us know your results …

But anyways - Here was my 2 cents.. (Dollar?) lol - you can send any information/responses/links/etc to me at

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Q: In 1981 you were on coumidin and told it was made from snake venom you lost a lot of weight while on it now you are on it again it's now made from rat poison and havent lost any is the old available?
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