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Chickenpox and pregnancy are two different sickness all together.

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Q: Im pregnant and you might have chickenpox but you dont have the symptoms could it be something else?
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Could you be experiencing premenstrual asthma symptoms but still be pregnant?

You can experience PMS symptoms and be pregnant yes. But if you get your period then you aren't pregnant.

Can I still be pregnant even though urine test at physician's was negative?

It's very unlikely, but you should talk to your doctor if you have symptoms of something--it could be you're pregnant after all, or it could be you have another condition.

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Even in the presence of bleeding, you could still be pregnant.

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Sometimes the tests can be wrong, so definitely take another test to make sure whether you are or aren't pregnant. These symptoms could be something else, and it is most likely that you're not pregnant if the test came out negative, but it's worth checking, just in case. It is definitely possible that you ARE pregnant.

If you have nausea and are constantly tired but do not have sore breasts could you still be pregnant?

yes,you still COULD be pregnant. Not every woman has the same symptoms but nausea and tiredness are most definitely symptoms.

Can you be near toddlers and babies if you have chickenpox?

A child/infant should not be around someone with chicken pox. If a child has already had the vaccination, they should be okay; however, vaccinated children have developed chicken pox.

Could you be pregnant if you had a miscarriage one month ago and now you feel pregnant again and your boobs and nipples are really sore and you have some symptoms?

yes you could be pregnant.

Are these pregnancy symptoms?

There are many symptoms that could indicate pregnancy. Swollen and tender breasts are one symptom. Weight gain, nausea, and exhaustion are some other more common symptoms. Some or all could be indications that you are pregnant but all could also be symptoms of something else.

If you breasts are sore could you be pregnant?

Yes you could, you get all the symptoms of a normal pregnancy.

If I had a miscarriage and my pregnancy symptoms disappeared but now they are back could I still be pregnant?

If you really had a miscarriage, you can't still be pregnant, but you could be pregnant again before you get your next period.

If a girl is experiencing a menstruation symptoms she can be pregnant?

Could be, most likely it is PMS.