Me? No! Well, if you weren't pregnant this month, and have had unprotected sexual relations between now and then, chances are pretty good that you will be.
Assuming that you are releasing a egg every month and have sex when you ovulate, very good.
78% good luck
yes you will have a very great chance at getting a bun in the oven now.....good luck!!
The best way to tell if you are pregnant is to get a pregnancy test. The chances are slim considering you have had a tubal ligation, but not impossible. Also, depending on your age, you could be beginning menopause. Good luck!:(
I'm not a doctor, but I sincerely have to say "not good". The fact that both pregnancy tests say positive, as long as you did them right, then your mathematical chances are all but 100%.
What does this mean?
If there is no problem with the reproductive organs they are as good as any ones.
If someone is pregnant, it would be a good idea to stay near home, and no plane travel.
Still good. The really low chances don't occur until much later - say mid- to late-forties.
good chances go see a doctor
really good because this is during the ovalation period