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Q: If your toe is swollen for three days is that bad?
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Canary with swollen bloody toe?

You should take your canary with the swollen bloody toe to the veterinarian to help it to get better.

How do you treat a buried swollen toe?

take your toe out of the dirt.

Why is your big toe swollen doctor says it is not bad enough to be gout?

Rheumatoid arthritis can cause swelling and heat in toe joints. it us usually accompanied by swelling in pain in opposing and other joints.

My canary has a bloody swollen toe?

If your canary has a bloody swollen toe you should take it to the veterinarian. Try cleaning it up with some peroxide but the bird should see a vet.

How long can a pink toe gayana go without eating?

The Pink Toe Gayana can last about 0ne - Three days without eating.

How can you check somebody's toe to see if it's broken?

it will be black and blue and a little swollen and hurts, there is little you can do except grin and bear it, it takes about three weeks to heal.

Your toe is swollen and looks different to other toe is it broken?

No, probably not. Though you may need to contact your doctor for further information.

What should you soak a swollen toe in?

I would try ice or epsen salt.

What happent to people with gout?

The number of people that have Gout is about 1-2 % of the population. Gout is pooling of fluid in the big toe that causes the toe to be swollen, hot and inflamed.

What does a toe infected look like?

Red, Swollen, and possibly containing pus, blood, or clear seeping liquids.

How do you take care of a bruised toe that is not really swollen but has turned a dark reddish purple color and is very sore?

Tape it

I hit my toe really hard and the blood got trapped so i ripped my nail off and its still swollen is it broken?

it is very possible that the toe is broken. The only way to know is if you have an x-ray.