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Probably, Just like an adult who drinks too much and throws up it will lighten the pressure in his stomach

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Q: If your 2yr old throws up from eating too much cake will he feel better?
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Yes. Wouldn't you feel better if you lost some weight? You would feel better about yourself and you would have healthier eating habits.

Why is the cake you are eating right now so good?

Because you feel that is good so ure mind that thinks its good responds to the stomach. so yeah

Can a two year old feel better after throwing up from too much cake?

First of all they shouldn't be allowed to consume too much of anything. If anyone, let alone a two year old, ate too much cake or anything for that matter and ends up throwing up will definetely feel better.

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Metal transfers heat better than cake, which is what make you feel more of the temperature.

How can I feel better again after dropping my croissant on the floor that I was really looking forward to eating?

I don't know man. Try eating a Toblerone instead is all I can think of :(

Is chocolate lava cake a solution?

Yes, it absolutely is. Any time I feel sad, angry or depressed, any kind of chocolate is the right solution for me. But I've found that chocolate lava cake is one of the better solutions.

Your birthday is today and no one has baked you a cake what sould be done?

Don't worry about it. Someone is probably suprising ya, and if not, tell someone how you feel and they should get it for ya. If not, bake your own, our buy one if that makes yall feel better.