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Yes, they can swim Municipal, City and Private public access pools are tested daily under heath regulations. The concentration of Chlorine or Bromine is sufficient to kill lice and other bacteria in the water. So your answer is no you can't get lice from a pool.

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15y ago
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15y ago

i had nits in my hair about a week ago. i did not have actual living lice the eggs never hatched and i went swimming a week later after the head lice treatmeant. and i would say that you can go swimming. maybe call a doctor or the publix nurse.

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15y ago

Yes if you had head to head contact with that infected person you can get Head Lice

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Head lice have adapted so specifically to life on the human scalp that it is very unlikely that they could live in water for very long.

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12y ago

NO because the hotness burn's them but... if your really close to someone you can if you don't put your head underwater

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Q: If you were around someone with head lice can you catch it?
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How do catch hair lice?

You get head lice by putting your head by someone who already has head lice

Can you catch lice in the woods?

It is unlikely to catch lice from being in the woods, as lice infestations are generally transmitted through direct head-to-head contact with an infested person. Lice do not have the ability to jump or fly, so the chances of picking them up from the environment in the woods are low.

Can you get pubic lice if you're a virgin?

Head lice can "get into" just about anywhere on your body, but they are not likely to stay anywhere other than your head. Hence the name head lice.

Can you get headlice from sand?

It is rare to get head lice from sand since head lice typically need human blood to survive. However, it is possible for lice to potentially transfer from objects like hats or towels that have come in contact with infected individuals resting on sand.

Can you get lice if you were with a person or even with the family who had lice even if it was only a few hours?

Of course you can. Lice have the abbility to jump from head to head. And because of their small body structures they can do it whenever whereever. If you are aware someone has lice and they are around you leave the area until you are aware the lice has been removedamd you should always wash your hair .

How soon after coming in contact with someone with lice does your head start itching?

This is what I can tell you from my expert experience. Your head may itch only after you have had head to head contact,or shared brushes, hats or combs with someone with head lice. This is how head lice is passed. They don't fly or jump but they do crawl Fast!! If your head itches and you have been in close contact with someone with lice you may need to call an expert. My Hair Helpers is trained to help detect head lice. Don't wait until you have a full infestation to call an expert!

Where do you get lice?

you can get it from anyone who has head lice or places like hotels , movie theater's friends house ( sharing bows brushes) pretty much anywhere you put your head where someone has head lice.

How do you know is someone has head lice?

By inspecting their hair.

What is hair lie?

hair lice are creatures that get in your hair by your head being too near to another person who's head does have head lice. Warning: No matter how old or young, however long or short your hair is you can still catch head lice. The lice sucks you blood from you head and that makes it itch. The best thing to do is to wash you hair daily and with shampoo and conditioner. There is some special lice shampoo too. I had head lice and its a pain in the butt.

When was Head Lice discovered?

Head lice have been documented throughout history, including in ancient Egypt. The first known mention of head lice dates back to around 1550 BC in a medical text called the Ebers Papyrus. This suggests that head lice have been a human parasite for thousands of years.

Can you catch headlice if your over 50 years?

Parasites such as lice really do not know or care how old their host may be. There is no age limit. Possibly the only advantage that the elderly may have, in avoiding head lice, is that they often have less hair, and head lice need hair to live in. Bald people won't get head lice.

How do kids get lice?

Kids usually get lice from direct head-to-head contact with someone who already has lice. Lice can crawl from one person's hair to another's, especially in school, during sleepovers, or when playing closely together. Sharing hats, brushes, or hair accessories can also spread lice.