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If you starve yourself you will actually gain weight in the beginning and it depends on how many calories you are down to each day. It is better to eat the min amount of calories your body needs and start exercising everyday. This way you can burn the fat loose the weight and get a nice set of abs just remember muscle weighs more then fat.

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Q: If you weigh 139 lbs and are 5'2'' how fast will you lose weight if you have anorexia?
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You weigh 12 stone age 14 how can you lose some weaght fast?

If you're age 14, you shouldn't lose weight fast. See a dietician to find out a safe and healthy way to lose weight.

You are a 330 man looking towards anorexia how fast will you lose weight?

Using anorexia - or any etaing disorder, for that matter - as a method of weight loss is never a good idea. Eating disorders can have many negative side effects, cause permanent damage, are an unhealthy way to live and lose weight, and can even be fatal.

What is the eating disorder where you feel you have to lose weight?

Anorexia Nervosa

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1) 100 pounds would be under weight for a 14 year old! 2) there is no(healthy) way to lose weight fast, it happens over time

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There is no fast safe way of loosing weight. Just do it the generic way. Exercise and eat healthy.

Use anorexia in a sentence?

"Anorexia Nervosa is a dangerous eating disorder in which a person starves themselves in a desprate attempt to lose weight."

If you weigh 190 pounds how many calories should you eat a day to lose weight fast?

1,500 calories a day

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If you weigh 215 pounds and fast for 7 days then you would lose several pounds. However, you would most likely regain weight once you started eating normally again. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you need to exercise, change your eating habits on a long-term basis, and lose weight slowly and steadily.

If you have an eating disorder can you lose weight?

That would depend on what your eating disorder is, if it is that you are prone to overeating, it is going to be difficult to lose weight, on the other hand, if you have a eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia, you will lose weight.

Do you loose weigh by dancing?

Fast-moving dances are very good exercise, so if you did them enough I suppose you could lose weight.

I weigh 240 pounds and I'm 6 how much do i have to work out to lose weight fast?

a lot u fat c*nt!

How can you lose 10-15 pounds in 12 days?

If you completely cut carbs out of your diet for the duration of your diet you can lose weight fast if you have a high carb diet. depending on your weight and eating a high amount of protein you can lose weight faster. example: if you weigh 160 and you want to weigh 130 eat at least 60 grams of protein a day.