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Yes,but then you might get that kind of stiff feeling (like when you don't stretch).But I do it anyways and mine are just fine.But everyone's different.

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Q: If you stop popping your knuckles will they stop aching?
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Does popping your knuckles cause long term problems?

No it does not.

What is the popping sound when you ack you knuckles caused by?

It is caused by a gas being released from a part of your knuckles ;D

If you pop your knuckles will they get big?

NO! Popping your knuckels just pushes the joint out and back into its normal postition. The sound that comes from popping them comes from the gas of the fluid that is between the bones as they are poppin in the fluid. It wont make your knuckles larger, but you might make your grip weaker if you do it too much cause it can start causing problems, such as arthritis.

Crack your knuckles?

The popping or crackling noise heard when "cracking your knuckles" is caused by synovial fluid filling the vacuum left by the joint's displacement.

How do you cack your knuckles?

The popping or cracking noise heard when "cracking your knuckles" is caused by synovial fluid filling the vacuum left by the joint's displacement.

What is the world record for popping your knuckles?

There is no official world record for popping knuckles as it is not a recognized category for record-breaking. Additionally, excessive knuckle cracking can potentially lead to joint damage over time.

What cause the popping sound when people crack their knuckles and other joints?

Bubbles of Gas

What is the sound of knuckles cracking?

The sound of knuckles cracking is caused by gas bubbles rapidly collapsing in the synovial fluid in the joints. This release of gas creates a popping or cracking sound.

Does cracking your knuckles push air out of the joint?

When you crack your knuckles, you are not pushing air out of the joint. The popping sound is caused by the movement of the joint creating temporary cavitation within the synovial fluid.

And idea to stop cracking your fingers to prevent arthritis help?

Um, yeah hate to burst your bubble but that is completely untrue. But if your insistant just tape your fingers together THANKS FOR READING. KEEP THOSE KNUCKLES POPPING

Does cracking your knuckles cause them to be short and fat?

No. It Makes your knuckles swell up and never goes away. :\ So stop cracking your knuckles!!

Is knuckle popping bad?

There is limited research on the long-term effects of knuckle cracking, but it is generally considered harmless. However, excessive or forceful knuckle popping could lead to ligament damage or reduced grip strength over time. If popping your knuckles causes pain or discomfort, it may be a good idea to limit the habit.