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"That's exactly where powder cocaine goes when it is snorted. With the cocaine in your lungs, it is deposited into the bloodstream, which allows for a quicker high than if it were ingested." The above answer is not correct. Cocaine that is snorted is not inhaled into the lungs Crack cocaine is smoked, and therefore, enters the lungs and produces the fastest effect. Powder cocaine, which is administered by the route of nasal insufflation, is absorbed by the mucus membrane that lines the nasal cavity. The capillaries lining the nasal mucosa absorb the drug and it enters the bloodstream in that manner.

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15y ago
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14y ago

If smoked or snorted yes. But if injected straight into the blood stream it is going to affect not only the lungs but anywhere the blood goes which is everywhere in the entire body. Though Cocaine doesnt cause cancer it does cause organ failure so the lungs could collapse after a continued use of the drug

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12y ago

Straight into your lungs, some gets caught in your nasal passage though

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Q: If you snort something does it go in your lungs?
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When you snort something, the substance enters through your nasal passages and is absorbed into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes in your nasal cavity. From there, it travels to the lungs and then to the heart, which pumps it out to the rest of the body. Eventually, it is metabolized by the liver and excreted through urine or feces.

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