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Q: If you see a foramen in the transverse process of a vertebra which type of vertebra are you observing?
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What are distinguishing features of a cervical vertebra?

Transverse foramina (on all cervical vertebrae) and bifid spinous process on C2-C6

Does the thoracic and lumbar vertebra have a transverse foramina?

A transverse foramen is located on the transverse process of cervicle vertebra. The vertebral foramen is the large (more anterior) opening in the body of a vertebra through which the "spinal chord" passes. when the vertebra are stacked in the vertebral column, the series of vertebral foramen is called the vertebral canal.

Articulate with the transverse process of the thoracic vertebrae?

Lumbar Vertebra

A special feature present on the transverse process of cervical vertebrae?

The transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae are pierced by a "foramen transversarium" through which the vertebral artery passes. The transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae are pierced by a "foramen transversarium" through which the vertebral artery passes.

What the adaptations of the thoracic vertebra?

have long spinous process which is directed downward. transverse process and centrum serve as points of attachment for ribs

Why the body of the lumbar vertebra is larger than that of the thoracic vertebra and in the thoracic vertebra more than in the cervical vertebra?

The size of the vertebral bodies correlates with the load-bearing requirements of the spine at different regions. The lumbar vertebrae are larger as they support more weight and have to withstand greater forces due to their position in the lower back. Thoracic vertebrae are smaller in size compared to lumbar vertebrae because they support less weight, while cervical vertebrae are the smallest as they need to allow for greater mobility in the neck.

Where do ribs form a joint with the thoracic vertebrae?

headThe pedicle of the rib articulates with the transverse process of the thoracic vertebra.

What part of the nervous system protected by the vertebrae?

The spinal cord is protected by the vertebrae. It runs through a channel called the vertebral foramen, which is located above the body of the vertebra and below the spinous process.

How can you distinguish a lumbar vertebra from a cervical vertebra?

the nerve cord is enclosed while a invertabrae nerve is opened

What happens when you break the transverse process?

Breaking a transverse process, which are bony protrusions on each vertebra, can cause pain and restricted movement in the affected area. It may result from trauma, such as a fall or direct blow. In most cases, conservative treatment like rest, pain medication, and physical therapy is sufficient for healing.

What are the 3 processes found on the bone?

Most vertebrae have 3 processes. The spinous process, which is the one that comes straight off of your vertebral column, can actually be felt . You can feel this one particularly well at the base of your neck (this is the 7th Cervical vertebra, also known as Vertebra prominens). The very first vertebra, C1, also known at Atlas, does not have a spinous process. Each vertebra has two transverse processes which are on either side of the spinous processes. All of these processes are important for muscle attachments for movement of the head, neck and torso.

Which vertebra does not have a spinous process?

Cervical vertebrae have a bifurcated spinous process.