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Q: If you remove an IUD during pregnancy what will happen?
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What can happen if you got pregnant on the IUD but the IUD was in the cervix not the uterus?

If the IUD was in the cervix, it couldn't work properly. If you're pregnant, the IUD must be removed, regardless of whether you want to continue the pregnancy. Then you can choose to continue or terminate the pregnancy. If you choose to terminate, you can have another IUD inserted after the abortion.

Is cramping a sign of pregnancy on the IUD?

No, a positive pregnancy test is the sign of pregnancy on the IUD.

Is it easier to become pregnant once an IUD is removed?

An IUD is meant to prevent pregnancy, so when it's in the uterus, you have a lower risk of pregnancy, and when you remove it, your risk goes back to what it was before.

What will happen if you don't get Mirena removed?

If you leave a hormonal IUD like Mirena in too long, you may not be protected against pregnancy, but there are no other risks. For instance, if you're menopausal and not concerned about pregnancy, there is no pressing need to remove it.

What is the procedure to remove an IUD if you are pregnant?

It's the same as the procedure to remove the IUD when you're not pregnant.

Romoval of IUD pregnancy calculator?

How do you get your IUD removed

Can a woman gets pregnant while having a IUV inserted?

Pregnancy on the IUD is unlikely. Getting pregnant during your period is also unlikely. Taken together -- it's possible to get pregnant during your period on the IUD, but it would be a huge shock.

What will happen if you have an IUD and a condom gets stuck?

The IUD will provide the same protection against pregnancy. As usual, it won't provide protection against sexually transmissible infection.

Is it true to get vaginal bleeding while you have the IUD and be pregnant?

Pregnancy on the IUD is unusual. Bleeding with the IUD is not a special sign of pregnancy. If you think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

Are there any side effects of having your tubes tied and not having your IUD removed?

There are no side effects of having your tubes tied and leaving an IUD in place. There is no pressing need to remove the IUD if you have other pregnancy protection.

If you have the IUD but you have been having heartburn an you havent got your period could you be pregnant?

Getting pregnant with an IUD in place is rare but it does happen. If you feel that you may be pregnant with an IUD in place you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see a Dr as soon as possible due to possible health risks to you and to the pregnancy.

When can you use an IUD?

You can use an IUD anytime you are interested in avoiding pregnancy.