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Yes! you are pregnant ,but just do your pregnancy test to conferm that.ASAP

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Q: If you pee a lot but have a watery discharge all the time is this a symptom of pregnancy?
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Is there a chance of white discharge during the time of pregnancy?

I've seen on several websites that white or milky looking discharge or watery to mildly thick discharge is normal in pregnancy and usually is in abundance.

When will pregnancy symptom occur at night or day?

Both and at any time no matter what you are doing at that time..

Can a water infection be a sign of pregnancy?

A urinary tract infection (also called a "water infection") can happen at any time, sometimes happens in early pregnancy but is not a sign of pregnancy. It might be a symptom of pregnancy but it might also be a symptom of a disease. Source:

What would be the first symptom of pregnancy?

at first symptom is tiredness,weakness,Many woman feel to take nap at morning time mostly.. and they feel better in evening time..

Can one time brown discharge then every day after that with slight cramping and excessive discharge be a sign of very early pregnancy?

no you have gonorreah

Is Nipple discharge breast cancer while pregnant?

The ONLY time nipples should have discharge is during pregnancy, and typically in the last trimester only. Ask your doctor to make sure there is no problem.Generally, discharge during pregnancy is NOT a sign of breast cancer.

Can you get symptoms of pregnancy after your first time?

my period date april become any symptom

How early in pregnancy is leukorrhea seen?

Leukorrhea, or an increase in vaginal discharge, can be seen as early as the first few weeks of pregnancy due to hormonal changes. It is a common symptom throughout pregnancy and is typically harmless unless it is accompanied by other concerning symptoms like itching, burning, or foul odor. If you have any concerns about your vaginal discharge during pregnancy, it's best to consult with your healthcare provider.

If your discharge is white with clear and slimy what does that mean?

Different types of discharge and self evaluationWhite discharge: Thick, white discharge is common at the beginning and end of your cycle. Normal white discharge is not accompanied by itching. If itching is present, thick white discharge can indicate a yeast infection.Clear and stretchy discharge: This is "fertile" mucous and means you are ovulating.Clear and watery discharge: This occurs at different times of your cycle and can be particularly heavy after exercising.Yellow or Green discharge: May indicate an infection, especially if thick or clumpy like cottage cheese or has a foul odor.Brown discharge: May happen right after periods, and is just "cleaning out" your vagina. Old blood looks brown.Spotting Blood and/or Brown Discharge: This may occur when you are ovulating/mid-cycle. Sometimes early in pregnancy you may have spotting or a brownish discharge at the time your period would normally come. If you have spotting at the time of your normal period rather than your usual amount of flow, and you have had sex without using birth control, you should check a pregnancy test.

Can you have watery discharge when pregnant?

Watery discharge is your body cleaning itself out of any vaginal germs that may be present. Its also consistent symptom of ovulation. You may be pregnant yes or could be left over ovulation discharge.

My last full period was Mar12 its now jun and I've missed 3 periods but when i urinated it was a brownish color then i had a pinkish watery discharge and now its clear.Could this be pregnancy?

you need to take a pregnancy test as 3 months is not normal. CM (cervical mucus) changes all the time whether you are pregnant or not. however if there was a possibilty it was blood in your urine I would head straight to the doctor now. goodluck

If you have white creamy discharge could you be pregnant?

No, it means you are getting ready to ovulate. If you have sex during the time this type of discharge is present, you can become pregnant. Actually, the thick, sticky vaginal discharge you are talking about actually is an indicator that you are a few days from having your period, it is the discharge that usually takes place after ovulation. you can not get pregnant during this time with a normal cycle, you could, however possibly be in the early stages of pregnancy, for this discharge is very common into early pregnancy, and throughout most of it.