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Yes, but soon,the egg is only there for 12 to 24 hours to be fertilized, so do it soon!! Good luck!!

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Q: If you just ovulated and the temp just went up to 99 degrees a few hours ago can you still have intercourse and get pregnant or is it too late?
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Can pregnancy symptoms start less than 24 hours after intercourse?

No. That early you are not even pregnant yet.

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The doctor told me that you should wait two hours before having intercourse.

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If a woman has intercourse with a man how many days after does she become pregnant?

Pregnancy occurs when a sperm fertilizes an egg within 12-24 hours of ovulation. Ovulation typically occurs about 14 days before the start of a woman's next menstrual period. Therefore, a woman can become pregnant if she has intercourse around the time of ovulation.

Can you be pregnant if you had intercourse at your most fertile time but still experienced ovulation-like pains for 4 days?

If you have unprotected sex and have missed your period, you are probably pregnant. Some women feel some cramping when the egg implants into the uterus. If you think you are pregnant, take a home test or go see a doctor.

Can you get pregnant if you are not ovulation?

You can't. If there's no ovulation there's no egg released for the semen to get to. NOTE: not having a positive ovulation test doesn't neccissarily mean you don't ovulate. If your hormone levels are low, your test might not be reliable.

Can you remove the nuva ring during intercourse?

According to the Nuvaring website, the levels of protection from pregnancy do not drop if the ring is outside your vagina for less than three hours. If you remove the ring for more than three hours, you may become pregnant.

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is postinor 2 effective when u have intercourse 5 hours after the recommended dose

What day did you become pregnant your lms was Jan 31 2008?

It's hard to know the exact day of conception. If your cycles are regular and 28 days every month, you can figure that you ovulated around Feb. 14th, and probably got pregnant within 24 hours of ovulation since the egg only lives 12-24 hours after ovulation. If your cycles are longer, the day of ovulation would change as well.

Can a pregnant woman have another baby while pregnant?

No. Pregnancy stops the monthly release of an unfertilized egg, so except in rare and unusual circumstances, you can't get "more" pregnant while you're pregnant. The only time this might be reasonably defined is in the case where a woman releases two eggs. (Twins, ya know?...) After sexual intercourse, one egg is fertilized, so she's "pregnant". She may not know it yet, but she is. A few hours later, she has intercourse again, and the second egg is fertilized. She's pregnant again, but for all intents and purposes, her pregnancy is from the same monthly cycle.

What puritan have daily routine?

24 hours intercourse