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No. The act of kissing does not create pregnancy.

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No, only if you have sex

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14y ago

As a "kiss" is normally defined, no.

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Q: If you have the period and you kiss a boy will you get pregnant?
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When you have your period should you kiss a boy?

You can kiss a boy whenever you like (as long as he consents). There's no reason you can't kiss a boy when on your period, you can do anything you like while you're on your period.

Can a girl get pregnant if a boy do any kind of kiss?


What will happen if a girl was 10 years old and she had her period and she tried to kiss a10 year old boy would she get pregnict?

I believe that last word is supposed to be 'pregnant' - a women cannot get pregnant without either sexual activity such as sexual intercourse, or having had IVF. Kissing a boy cannot get you pregnant, whether you're on your period or not, that's not how pregnancy occurs.

Should you kiss a boy when you have your period?

I say you shouldn't! 'Cause it might turn into.. >-> you-know-what.Hey! Its just what I'm sayin'. Just remember do not! kiss a boy when you are having a period!!

Can you get pregnant if you have clothes on and you lay on top of a boy and you kiss but he doesnt ejaculate?

No. With clothes as a barrier and his lack of ejaculation, you will not get pregnant.

Do girls get pregnant if they kiss a boy?

No you cannot get pregnant by kissing a boy. But just know that kissing a boy can lead to doing other things. If you are not ready to have a baby, I would hold off on kissing boys.

If you kiss a girl in period time is she pregnant?

no of coarse not it happen during sexual intercourse

Could you kiss your boyfriend on your period?

Yes I Think Because If You Get Your Period Its Not Their Business So Kiss Them __________________________________ Of course you can! Its not as if he's gonna get an STD or anything!

When should I let my daughter kiss a boy?

She will kiss a boy when she is ready to. Advise her about sex and the problems caused if she gets pregnant, and not to believe boys that will lie in order to have sex. Forewarned is better than enforcement.

Can a girl get pregnant after her period if a boy used a condom and didn't ejacuate in her?


If you have your period and you like a boy can you get pregnant?

Yes. liking boys is extremely dangerous and will instantly make you pregnant.

Can you kiss a boy if your a boy?

Yes you can kiss a boy if you are a boy