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My mother in law has terminal colon cancer and they do a CEA test that tells us if the cancer cells are growing or slowing down, her CEA was very high when she was diagnosed once they removed the cancer it went down, then it started to elevate until after she started her chemo, that is how they based whether or not to continue her chemo or change her course of therapy

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Q: If you have terminal colon cancer and the oncologist says your numbers were 9 four months ago and now they are 130 what is he referring to if you know this is not a good sign?
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I think maybe you are referring to an: "Oncologist"!

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No, an oncologist is a cancer doctor.

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A doctor who specializes in the study or treatment of cancer is called an Oncologist.

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The job description of an oncologist is to treat those with cancer. An oncologist is a cancer doctor.

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An Oncologist Oncologists are physicians that treat, diagnose, and study cancerous tumors. There are many different types of oncologist. A clinical oncologist is a doctor who treats people with cancer. In most cases, when a person is diagnosed with cancer, a clinical oncologist takes charge of his or her care and treatment through all phases of the disease. A medical oncologist specializes in treating cancer with chemotherapy (the use of drugs to kill cancer cells) A surgical oncologist specializes in the surgical aspects of cancer, including a biopsy (the removal of a small amount of tissue for examination under a microscope) and surgically removing the cancer. A radiation oncologist specializes in treating cancer with radiation therapy (the use of high-energy x-rays to destroy cancer cells). A gynecologic oncologist focuses on the care and treatment of women with gynecologic cancers, such as uterine cancer and cervical cancer.A pediatric oncologist specializes in the treatment of children with cancer and includes all three primary oncology disciplines listed above in the care of their young patients.oncologistsa oncologist would treat youA doctor who studies and/or treats cancer is called an "oncologist."

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An Oncologist

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cancer patients