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Not really, I'm afraid to say, but it is supposed to go away or at least decrease in size by the time you hit your late teens, but it doesn't always happen. My boyfriend still has his, but it is possible to lead a normal active life!! He plays cricket regularly and walks 7 miles a day to work and back, it does cause pain sometimes - especially when it is cold. But ibruprofen helps to keep the swelling down. Also once the bump has stopped growing (if it does),the doctor can remove it with a small operation. p3nis

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Q: If you have osgood-schlatters disease is there a way to not get a large bump below your knee?
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Osgood-Schlatter's disease is basically a painful swelling with a specific location. This swelling is located below the knee, on the shinbone. The bump is a part of your anatomy - more technically known as the anterior tibial tubercle.

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If you woke up with a large bump on your head, you need to keep a close watch on it. It could be a pimple or possibly an insect bite.

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It could probably be Herpes or just razor bump.

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A large bump on the back of your head/ear could be anything. If you are having dizziness and headaches, you will need to go to a doctor. They can do a biopsy on the bump to get a diagnoses.

What if you have a big bump below your knee?

A big bump below your knee could be due to various reasons such as injury, inflammation, cysts, or growths. To determine the cause and appropriate treatment, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for evaluation and diagnosis.