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Put butter on them and keep them cool dont add ice it will make them swell. after the butter gets them cooled off take a warm shower slowly turning up the heat till its almost to hot to handle, then it should not hurt to bad after the shower the hotter the shower the less pain will be there later. What your doing is killing the skin and nerve endings for comfort.

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Q: If you had burned your hands how would you cure them?
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Old Irish Cure for Chilblaines on hands or feet. And it works. Urinate in a basin and soak your hands or feet in it for 15 minutes.

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There is no medical cure. I would suggest focusing on what ever god you worship and trust that you are in his hands.

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The first way to cure it is to have a series of panfull injections by needle. The secend way to cure it is to soke your hands and feet in Herosik Assed wich is found in the urine of mast Lizerds.

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your sadness can be cured if your house was insured in a fire insurance before it was burned and the insurance can help you through your claims