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The symptoms of Swine Flu are the same as other more common flu strains. There is no way of knowing if your flu was the swine flu without laboratory testing.

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Q: If you had almost every symptom of the Swine Flu and it ended in ten days did you have it?
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No, some people do not have fever with the H1N1/09 swine flu, although it is a common symptom. See the related question for more information about the symptoms of A-H1N1/09 Pandemic swine flu.

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Yes, during the swine flu H1N1/09 pandemic, the virus spread to every state in the US and every nation in the world.

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Yes, during the 2009 H1N1/09 swine flu pandemic it spread to every country in the world.

Is Swine Flu hereditary?

No, the Swine Flu is not hereditary. It is a virus. It is caught in the same manner as the "regular flu" that goes around every year.

Is the Swine Flu in Los Angeles?

During the 2009 swine flu H1N1 pandemic, the swine flu spread to all major cities in the US in every state as well as to all other nations in the world.

What states do not have Swine Flu?

The 2009 Pandemic Flu "Swine Flu" A-H1N1/09 has spread in every state of the US and now to almost, if not all, countries of the world. For more information on the pandemic spread, see the related question "Which Cities States or Countries Have Deaths or Cases of Swine Flu- Current Situation". (Link is provided in the related question section below).

Is it possible get the Swine Flu in Wisconsin?

Yes, people from every state and every country have now had the H1N1/09 virus.

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