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Q: If you had IVF but carry Battens Disease can you still pass the gene on?
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What do you call people that carry a defective gene but don't have the disease?


Is cystic fibrosis common?

Cystic fibrosis is the most common life threatening disease in the UKOne in 25 people have the cystic fibrosis gene in them (but may not have the disease). Most people aren't even aware that they carry the gene. If two people who have the gene reproduce, the odds that they have a child with cystic fibrosis is 1 in 4. The chance that they will have a child who carries the gene but doesn't have the disease is 2 in 4 (half). The chance that they have a child who does not have the disease or carry the gene is 1 in 4.

Will every individual who inherits the allele for huntington's disease will develope it?

Yes, as long as you carry the gene you will, in some stage of your life develop the disease.

What is the probability that an individual has one parent with huntington disease will also have Huntington disease?

25% will have the disease if both parents carry the gene. 50% will be carriers. 25% will be neither.

People who are heterozygous for sickle cells disease are generally healthy because?

they have one normal hemoglobin gene that can produce functional hemoglobin to carry oxygen effectively, compensating for the abnormal hemoglobin produced by the gene for sickle cell disease. This keeps their red blood cells from sickling and causing blockages in blood vessels that lead to symptoms of the disease.

Can you carry the defective gene but not suffer from the disease cystic fibrosis?

Yes, because it is "autosomal recessive hereditary disorder".

Can celiac disease develop when a person is in their teens?

Yes, Celiac Disease can develop at anytime. For a person to develop Celiac Disease, one must carry the gene. The gene can remain "off" or it can turn "on". You can have the gene but never experience any celiac disease symptoms. Something has to trigger the gene for a person to start developing problems. My mom didn't have symptoms until she was in her 30's. Before that, she never had any problems eating grains.

Why will a man carry a sex-linked disorder het the disease whereas his female counterpart will not?

because he has no dominant gene to make the trait

What type of grid is used to evaluate the risk that a child will have a genetic disease ot carry the gene for it?

It's called a "Punnet square".

If your mom has reddish brown hair and your dad has black hair and you have black hair do you carry the recessive gene of reddish brown hair?

Yes, you may carry the recessive gene for reddish brown hair, as hair color is determined by a combination of genetic factors. Your black hair indicates that the black hair gene from your father is dominant, but you may still have inherited the reddish brown gene from your mother, which can be passed on to future generations.

What does it mean when someone carries the sickle cell gene but does not have the disease?

Someone who carries the sickle cell gene but does not have the disease is considered a carrier or a "trait" for sickle cell. This means they have one copy of the gene for sickle cell and one normal copy, so they do not exhibit symptoms of the disease themselves but can pass the gene on to their children.

What is the chance that any child will have the disease if two parent who are carriers of cystic fibrosis?

Let's do a Punnit Square. T T T TT TT t Tt Tt T is normal, and the little "t" is the recessive gene (which is being carried by one parent). Since one parent is recessive, you can see that there's a 50% chance that the offspring will have the recessive gene as well. However, note that without any straight "tt" result, there is a 0% chance that the offspring can express the Tay Sachs disorder.