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if your period is late one week that means you ovulated late

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Q: If you get your period a week late do you ovulate a week late even if you have never been late before and you have followed the rythym method for a whole year and never got pregnant?
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I cant take the pill we use the pull out method on the 17 we had gone all the way I am suppose to ovulate this week is it possible for me to be pregnant?


Is it possible for a girl to get pregnant even if she had never had her period and he pulled out?

Yes. Before you get your period and bleed you ovulate and that is when you are at risk for pregnancy. And pulling out get 1/4 pregnant so it's not a contraceptive method. The pre-ejaculate has sperms in it as well and if he is a young teen he will most likely not always be able to pull out in time, in the heat of the moment.

Can you have milk in the breast and be pregnant?

This is possible, but not common. Most women that breastfeed their baby do not ovulate and hence does not become pregnant. When trying to wean the baby off breast milk, this reduces the hormone production and production of milk slows down. At a stage during this, ovulating starts up again, and you can get pregnant. Some few women do ovulate when breastfeeding. It is not a "fail proof" method of contraception. Only fairly safe :-)

Can you get pregnant if you are not ovulation?

You can't. If there's no ovulation there's no egg released for the semen to get to. NOTE: not having a positive ovulation test doesn't neccissarily mean you don't ovulate. If your hormone levels are low, your test might not be reliable.

Are you fertile right before your period?

No, right before your period is likely to be your least fertile time. Women typically ovulate two weeks before menstruation and are fertile up to a week before then when there is fertile cervical mucus present. Unless you use fertility awareness method you cannot know for certain when you are fertile or not, unless you want to get pregnant always use birth control.

Can you get pregnant eight days after your period?

Yes, you can. It is possible to get pregnant at any time and so it's important to always use protection unless you're trying to get pregnant. There is no 'safe' time. Chance of pregnancy rises starting on day 3, (day 1 being the day your period starts) it is highest on the days right before you ovulate (when your ovaries release the egg), reaching a maximum of nearly 30%. Sperm can live for a week in the female reproductive tract, increasing the chance of pregnancy. Yes it's possible! You can get pregnant during your period!

Is withdrawal method can cause psychological problem?

I'm not sure what would cause psychological problems and for who. The man for not getting to ejaculate inside of her? No, that will not cause mental problems. Worrying about getting pregnant might do it though. Withdrawal is not a reliable birth control method and 1/4 get pregnant by it. There is sperm in pre-ejaculate so it is not safe unless you also avoid intercourse when you ovulate.

When can you get pregnant after stopping birth control?

With almost every method, you'll ovulate 2-4 weeks after stopping birth control and can get pregnant at that time. There is no medical need to wait before trying to conceive. One exception is Depo Provera. Some women get pregnant right after they miss a shot; others won't have their period return for 18 months. The average is 11 months. Also, with Paragard, you ovulate every month while using it, so you can get pregnant immediately after stopping if you're at the right time in your cycle. There are many methods to check if you are ovulating, including ovulation kits (from pharmacy) and temperature methods (your temperature rises slightly on the day you are ovulating).

You had intercourse on the 16th but your calendar says you dont ovulate until the 26th is it possiable that you might get pregnant you noticed mucus discharge on the 17th can you be fertil early?

Yes. The rhythm method does not reduce your chances of pregnancy. Recent studies have shown that you can get pregnant if you have unprotected sex at any point in your cycle.

When do you ovulate if you're on the birth control pill?

Normally a woman does not ovulate while taking the birth control pill. This is the birth control pill's primary method of action.

How do methods and functions differ?

A method is simply a function that is defined for a class. To invoke it, you usually need to specify an object, or the class name, followed by a dot, followed by the method name.A method is simply a function that is defined for a class. To invoke it, you usually need to specify an object, or the class name, followed by a dot, followed by the method name.A method is simply a function that is defined for a class. To invoke it, you usually need to specify an object, or the class name, followed by a dot, followed by the method name.A method is simply a function that is defined for a class. To invoke it, you usually need to specify an object, or the class name, followed by a dot, followed by the method name.

Can a woman get pregnant during her period using withdrawal method?

Yes. Since there is sperm in the precum, there is always a chance of getting pregnant with the pull-out method. "Take Sex with Sue Johansen" says women get pregnant within a year of using this method.