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It appears that trichomoniasis is one of the few STDs that can be caught through other means as well. Although the protozoan dies rapidly in dry conditions, it appears that you can be infected by sharing a washcloth with an infected person, or possibly by having your genitals come into contact with someone else's infected genital discharge.

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It is highly unlikely to get trichomoniasis in any other means than from sexual contact.

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Q: If you get trichomoniasis does it mean that your spouse is cheating on you I know that i have only been with one partner?
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How do you get trichomoniasis if you or your partner have not been with anyone?

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a parasite. If neither you nor your partner have had sexual contact with anyone else, it is unlikely to be trichomoniasis. It is important to speak with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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Directly in front of your spouse if you have been caught cheating

Do you think your spouse is cheating but he is not?

Yes, some individuals can think their spouse is cheating when they are not. Some individuals have a jealous streak because they are not confident in themselves or perhaps have been hurt by someone else in the past that did cheat. Once an individual has been cheated on previously they are more inclined to be more suspicious of their new spouse cheating. This is where good communication skills is most important in a relationship and you should feel free to discuss how you feel with your spouse and then listen to what they have to say. There are male and female spouses who do cheat, but in most cases the signs are there or eventually the spouse cheating will give themselves away or be caught. We all risk a spouse cheating throughout our life spans, but thankfully a higher percentage do not cheat. Your relationship should be based on trust and if you do not feel you have it then work on it by communicating with your spouse or, if you are having difficulties with thinking your spouse is cheating there is nothing wrong with seeing a psychologist to get you over your difficult time.

I have been caught cheating and i can't stop?

Better break up with your partner now then.

How will you know if my partner has been sleeping around?

one of the common give aways is that they accuse you of cheating

How do you tell if your partner is cheating?

Well some people can tell by asking them where they have been i mean it could be innocent but you should know your partner and if there is something not right ask they owe you that much

Is it mental abuse to suspect a spouse who constantly lies and cheats?

*Unless you have some hard facts the spouse is cheating and lying about it then yes, it can be mental abuse if you are always bringing the matter up and it's affecting your relationship. The only way you will know for sure is to follow your spouse (that's how I caught my first husband cheating) or hire a detective. If you aren't willing to do either then you are going to have to live with it and not keep accusing your spouse of cheating. There are so many relationships that have been destroyed by jealousy or second-guessing. Some men/women have a problem of trust when it comes to their mate even though their mate is not cheating.

How do you make your husband realize you are not cheating?

Both men and women who feel their spouse is cheating on them even though they are not can be caused by either the mistrusting spouse cheating themselves or they have been cheated on in the past or perhaps had a parent that cheated. Spouses who accuse the other of cheating lack self confidence from one of the above mentioned. There is not much you can do to prove to him you are not cheating, but sit down and communicate and let him know that if it continues he will certainly lose you because you do not want to live his way of life with all his mistrust reflecting upon you.

Are you responsible for burial after your partner has died?

Generally when your spouse or partner (if living common-law) has left a Will then the deceased should have put funds aside for the spouse or partner for burial services. If this has not been done then ask the family for help and they will either be happy to give some money towards the burial without you paying them back or, you can pay them back once the Estate is settled.

If I have proof my husband has been cheating should I tell the woman's husband?

If you have absolute proof that your husband is cheating with this other woman then you should deal with your own problems with your husband first and yes, the other woman's husband should know. This is not an uncommon problem and most people (whether a husband cheats with another man's wife or a wife cheats with one of her friend's husbands) is very common and the victim of the cheating generally does tell the husband or wife that their spouse is cheating with their spouse.

Does the male spouse generally refuse to admit to his affair even when the other spouse caught him?

Yes, the male spouse will often refuse to admit he has been cheating on his wife because they feel guilty and even while having the affair they feel it is wrong so they will lie no matter how much evidence is against them.