Where is adrenaline released?
This can be a simple or a complicated answer.
Adrenaline is secreted by the Adrenal glands, which sit on top
of the kidneys. The adrenal glands secrete other hormones too, such
as cortisol. (Adrenaline is a hormone because it is secreted by a
gland to have an effect on other bodily organs)
Adrenaline is a survival hormone and it is secreted in response
to a threat, and prepares the body to stay and fight the threat or
to run away from it.
Adrenaline causes the blood vessels close to the skin to
constrict so as to prevent too much bleeding in case of an injury.
Digestion is shut down temporarily because it isn't essential in an
emergency situation. The heart rate rises and glucose is poured
into the bloodstream for extra energy for the fight or flight
response. More oxygen rich blood is diverted to the brain so that
thinking and reaction can be quicker.
A lot of things happen when adrenaline is excreted and it can be
lifesaving. However, we live in a modern world where we rarely have
to run from a tiger or fight a bear, yet our responses remain the
same whether we have an argument with our boss or have to confront
a tiger. We have many new sources of stress in modern life so it
has become very important to find a means of relaxation.
Living with too much adrenaline for too long will have a bad
effect on your health.