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If you think a mole is cancerous, e.g. it is new or growing, see a doctor.

You wont Get cancer from cutting it off. It's either cancerous or not. Either way Go see a doctor!

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sunburn is associated with the development of skin cancer. But just because you get a sunburn on a mole does not mean it will definitely turn into skin cancer. The sun has an over all effect on the skin and can cause melanocytes to become stimulated to grow into melanoma. Sun exposure increases your risk of developing all types of skin cancer. Tanning beds are not a safe alternative and have been placed on the list as an extreme carcinogen.

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it will bleed and it could beome malignant

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15y ago

No not necessarily however you should not make a habit of it I had a mole in a position where it was easily cut shaving and had it removed eventually without any nasty scaring.

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Q: If you cut off a mole will you get skin cancer?
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Should you have a doctor look at the mole you cut off?

YES. moles can be small sources of skin cancer. it would be best to go straight to a dermatologist. (a skin doctor)

Can you get a body part cut off because of skin cancer?

probaly not... no because you just go ta docter and they would take the skin cancer of .. cut it off

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If you have a mole and it has scabbed over, it is important to see a doctor. It could be a sign of skin cancer.

Can you get rid of Skin cancer?

There really is no cure for skin cancer, you just have to have the doctor cut off the cancerous moles and try to not get sunburned

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Cancer does real havew a cure all i now is for skin and maybe all is they cut the cancer peice off

How can you prevent your mole from giving you a scar when you cut it off?

Removing a mole is best done by a plastic surgeon who understands how the skin will pull around the wound and can cut in such a way as to minimise the pulling and therefore the scar.

Is it rare to die of skin cancer?

skin cancer is a type of cancer that is from the skin when u realise that it is started it is easy to cure the doctor or specialist can easily cut it off but if you leave yourself it can get dngerous and spread through your whole skin still i cant say it is rare to die from skin cancer

Do you get cancer if you scratch off a mole?

yes it is posinus!!!!!!

Can ripping off a mole cause cancer?

To be honest, if you are to rip of a mole you will end up with your genitals falling off and you will generate aids in your eyelids. The best way to get rid off it would be to get a blowtorch to it and cover it in oil. If this does not work, ride a monkey and a sheep.

Can you cut off a mole?

It is not a good idea. You are likely to cause a large scar where the mole is. And if the mole should be cancerous, it could cause it to spread.

How do you remove smart water from skin?

Cut off your skin.

How do you cut off a piece of skin?

your skin needs sunlight so stay in the sun a bit but not to long or else you will get burned.