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Yes, you would see a glow from the back of your eyelids when your eyes were closed.

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Q: If you could see inferred light could you see a glow from the back of your eyelids when you closed your eyes?
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Are the back of our eyelids dark gray when not in front of the light when our eyelids are closed?

The perception of the color or darkness behind closed eyelids can vary among individuals, but it's generally described as dark or black rather than gray. When your eyes are closed and not exposed to light, the absence of visual stimuli often leads to a perception of darkness. The exact shade can depend on factors such as ambient light in the environment and individual variations in perception.

Why do you see lights even if your eyes are closed?

Light still travels through our eyelids. They are somewhat transparent.

Why are dogs born?

Because their eyes are sensitive to the light, so they keep their eyelids closed, but that's not always the case.

Why can't you see trough are eyelids?

Our eyelids do block stimuli (light) from entering our eyes, but they can't do it completely. That's why when we are facing the sun or a light with our eyes closed we seem to see some color/colors So yes, we can see through our eyelids, a little. However, during sleep, our eyes are actually shut off temporarily by our brains. The main reason our eyes close for sleep is so that they do not dry out.

Do eyelids let all or some or no light through?

Well, close your eyes tight and you will find some of your answer. Done it? Now, I honestly think that they let a tinsy-winsy bit of light through but you can not see any actual figures or objects when you close your eyes. I think the answer is SOME.

Why you can see with open eyes and not closed eyes?

Well you do see when you close your eyes, just that your eyelids block near enough all the light so you cant see yet you can, if that makes sense...

Would you be able to sleep without eyelids?

No, eyelids are essential for protecting the eyes from dirt, debris, and light. They also help keep the eyes moist and play a role in the sleep-wake cycle. Without eyelids, it would be very difficult to sleep and maintain eye health.

Can a baby see inside the womb?

Human eyes begin to develop about 22 days after fertilization! Between weeks 10-12, the eyelids are formed, and are closed; they remain closed until week 27-28, when the fetus can open and close the eyelids. So, the fetus (unborn baby) can see, though it's pretty dark inside there! When they're born, babies can see light and movement, but they can't focus on anything or follow movement with their eyes.

Are eyelids opaque?

A human eyelid is not transparent of course. But some animals like snakes have permanently sealed transparent eyelids which protect their eyes from foreign materials. Frogs also have transparent eyelids to protect its eyes while swimming in water.

Do parakeets have eyelids?

Yes, they are not like ours though. Parakeet eyelids are hidden in their heads (sorta) They are very thick so the light doen't get through as well. But if you keep a light on all night near the bird, it won't be able to sleep.

Is shutting of eyelids on exposure to bright light a simple or conditioned reflex?

Simple reflex

Is light an open or closed syllable?
